On Kam, 2010-05-27 at 15:02 -0400, Robert Haas wrote: 
> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Mohammad Heykal Abdillah
> <heykal.abdil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Now to the question, why my manualy constructed list was failed to
> > execute? I was pretty sure that my list node was identical with yacc.
> Because you have a bug in your code.
Yes, that i know.

Anyway, this is my manualy generate list node i hope you can point me
where it went wrong :
In function "pg_parse_query(const char *query_string)"

  List    *my_parsetree_list;
  my_parsetree_list = NIL;

  ColumnRef *o = makeNode(ColumnRef);
                  o->type = T_ColumnRef;
                  o->fields = list_make1(makeString("*"));
                  o->location = 16;

  ResTarget *m = makeNode(ResTarget);
                    m->type = T_ResTarget;
                    m->name = NIL;
                    m->indirection = NIL;
                    m->val = o;
                    m->location = 16;

  RangeVar *p = makeNode(RangeVar);  
                p->schemaname = NIL;
                p->relname = "customer";
      p->inhOpt = 2; 
      p->istemp = false ;
      p->alias = NIL;

  SelectStmt *n         = makeNode(SelectStmt);
      n->type           = T_SelectStmt;
      n->distinctClause = list_make1(NIL);;
      n->intoClause     = NULL;  
      n->targetList     = list_make1(m);
      n->fromClause     = list_make1(p);  
      n->whereClause    = NULL;  
      n->groupClause    = NIL; 
      n->havingClause   = NULL; 
      n->valuesLists    = NIL; 
      n->sortClause     = NIL; 
      n->limitOffset    = NULL;  
      n->limitCount     = NULL;     
      n->lockingClause  = NIL; 
      n->op             = 0;
      n->all            = false;
      n->larg           = NULL;
      n->rarg           = NULL;

   my_parsetree_list = list_make1(n);

raw_parsetree_list = my_parsetree_list;
if (log_parser_stats)
... and rest its same with original code.

Thank You
Mohammad Heykal Abdillah <heykal.abdil...@gmail.com>

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