Quoting Peter Eisentraut <pete...@gmx.net>:

It would be nice to make XMLEXISTS work as in the standard, seeing how
many others are providing the same interface.


I think providing XPath is enough, at least for now.

Hi Peter,

From piecing together sections 8.4 (<XML exists predicate>) and 6.18 (<XML query>), I believe the full call signature would be (apologies if my bracketing isn't right):

    { (xml_expression [BY REF|BY VALUE])
      | (xml_expression AS identifier)
    [, ...]

Seeing as we're only intereseted in XPath for the moment and most of the syntax above is only really relevant to XQuery, I would suggest the following as accepatable until full XQuery support comes:

   PASSING BY REF xml_expression [BY REF]

There is one drawback in this approach, namely xml namespace support. I think borrowing the solution used in the xpath() (i.e. passing a nsarray) is out of the question as it won't be future proofed against full XQuery support. This is because the declaration of namespaces in XQuery is actually part of the query itself. I also think it inappropriate to attempt to parse the xpath_expression looking for XQuery style namespace declartions. So I think we ignore declared namespace support for the moment and just get the syntax correct ready for XQuery support in the hopefully near future.

Do you agree with what I have proposed?

Mike Fowler

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