* Pr, Solaiyappan (NSN - IN/Bangalore) (solaiyappan...@nsn.com) wrote:
> I understand this is very early to ask this.. but, is there any tentative 
> timeline has been planned / available for the PostgreSQL 9.1 release, like 
> for the alpha or beta releases before the general release?

The tentative timeline is "more-or-less the same as 9.0 went".  That is
to say, we're hopeful to start a commitfest July 15th, finish by Auguet
15th, cut alpha1, then switch to GIT for the main repo, and start the
next commitfets September 15th.

All that said, this was the discussion at PGCon a few weeks ago on the
assumption we were going to get 9.0 out sometime in the July timeframe..
I'm slightly less optomistic about that at this particular time. :)

> Also, is there any synchronous replication patch planned for the PostgreSQL 
> 9.0 version?

No.  Sync-Rep didn't make it in for 9.0 and we're way, way, wayyyy past
feature freeze on that.  The hope/plan is to get it included in 9.1
(released "summer 2011", hopefully :).



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