On Jun 16, 2010, at 3:37 AM, Dave Page wrote:

>> heh I'm with Robert on that PGXN just sounds and speels weird - PGAN was
>> much easier ;)
> +1

Seriously? To me, “pee-gan” just didn't sound nice. And the acronym, 
“PostgreSQL Add-on Network,” wasn't as good, since it's mainly 
extension-focused. I guess it could be “PostgreSQL Archive Network,” going back 
to the CPAN example. Downside to that is that it likely won't distribute 
PostgreSQL itself.

I thought “PGXN” sounded more official-ish, less cute. And I don't mind “pixin” 
as the pronunciation.

Perhaps I could get on board with PGAN if we follow Cédric’s example and 
pronounce it “pe-zhan.”

Honestly, I didn't realize anyone was attached to “PGAN.”

Frankly, I blame whoever named PostgreSQL itself and came up with the short 
version, “PG.” Nothing but pigs out of that.



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