On 2010-06-28 21:24, Kevin Grittner wrote:
Jesper Krogh<jes...@krogh.cc>  wrote:

Sorry if I'm asking silly questions, but how does transactions and
connection pooler's interact?

That depends a great deal on the pooler and its configuration, as
well as your client architecture.  Our shop gathers up the
information needed for our database transaction and submits it to a
server application which has all the logic needed to use that data
to apply the transaction.  We determined long ago that it is a Very
Bad Idea for us to have an open database transaction which is
waiting for a user to do something before it can proceed.

The situation is more:
1) Grab a bunch of data (using pg_try_advisory_lock() to lock out
  other processes from grabbing the same).
2) Process the data (in external software).
3) Push results back into the database, including a flag
   telling that the data has been processed.
4) Release advisory locks.

Step 2 takes somewhere between a couple of seconds to a couple of
minutes depending on the task to be done.

It might not be "optimal" but it is extremely robust and simple
to wrap 1 to 4 within a BEGIN / COMMIT block.
On the application side is really nice not having to deal with
"partly processed" data in the database, which I can get around
with by just keeping the transaction open.

From my POV, a connection pooler doesn't buy anything, and
I cannot stop all processes from executing at the same time, allthough
it "most likely" will not happen. There is no "wait for user"

And that means somewhere in the 100+ backends, allthough they
are "mostly" idle, seen from a database perspective.

I have not hit any issues with the work_mem being too high, but
I'm absolutely sure that I could flood the system if they happened to
be working at the same time.


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