Are these improvements (index creation time, index size) worth enough
to keep on working on this?

I mean: given that bitmaps don't give any benefits in query times, but
only benefits related to disk size and bulk index creation times, and
will have horrible performance for insertions/deletions: would this job be

In case it is: I will try to clean up the patch and post it...

Well, if you can fix the more basic missing stuff, I think we could live with the performance issues. Bitmaps would still be a huge win for relatively static tables with lots of low-cardinality columns (basic data warehouse case).

If I recall correctly, the old patch was still missing both WAL and VACUUM support. These would be required before tradeoffs of space vs. update performance would be worth talking about.

As a side note: I guess that most of the bitmap indexes performance
improvements in the SELECT area are already implemented in postgres
in the bitmapand/or and bitmap scan stuff? I couldn't find any docs that
say that bitmap indexes are faster for selects, unless of course they
are ANDed/ORed together (which is something postgres already does
for regular btree indexes)

Have you tested this? The bitmap AND/OR for btrees in current postgres isn't exactly cost-free, especially the recheck. It seems like there could be room for better performance with bitmap indexes.

                                  -- Josh Berkus
                                     PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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