Why did you add to_string() and to_array() functions though we already
have string_to_array() and array_to_string() functions?  I prefer adding
three arguments version of string_to_array() instead of to_array().
Please notice me if you think to_string() and to_array() are better names
for the feature. For example, compatibility for other databases.

* string_to_array( str text, sep text, nullstr text DEFAULT NULL )
is compatible with the existing  string_to_array( str, sep ), and
"nullstr => 'NULL'" will be same as your to_array().

* array_to_string( arr anyarray, sep text, nullstr text DEFAULT NULL )
is compatible with the existing  array_to_string(); separator also ignored
when nullstr is NULL. "nullstr => ''" (an empty string) will be same as
your to_array().

Itagaki Takahiro

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