Robert Haas wrote:
I have some concerns related to the upcoming conversion to git and how
we're going to avoid having things get messy as people start using the
new repository.  git has a lot more flexibility and power than CVS,
and I'm worried that it would be easy, even accidentally, to screw up
our history.

1. Inability to cleanly and easily (and programatically) identify who
committed what.

Each committer sets their name and email using git config. Doesn't look like a problem. We don't have such a large number of committers that this should be much of an issue. Maybe we can set a pre-receive hook to make sure that it's set appropriately?

2. Branch and tag management.

I'm inclined to say that as now committers should not normally push tags. Marc or whoever is managing things should create the various tags. I think our current tagging policy is about right. "git push" doesn't push tags by default, so you'd have to be trying hard to mess this up.
3. Merge commits.  I believe that we have consensus that commits
should always be done as a "squash", so that the history of all of our
branches is linear.  But it seems to me that someone could
accidentally push a merge commit, either because they forgot to squash
locally, or because of a conflict between their local git repo's
master branch and origin/master.  Can we forbid this?

Again, a pre-receive hook might be able to handle this. See <>
4. History rewriting.  Under what circumstances, if any, are we OK
with rebasing the master?  For example, if we decide not to have merge
commits, and somebody does a merge commit anyway, are we going to
rebase to get rid of it?

In the end, if we screw up badly enough we can just roll things back. It would be a pain, but not insurmountably so. I think we need to expect that there will be some teething issues. I keep 7 days worth of backups of the CVS repo constantly now, and I'll probably do the same with git, and I'm sure there will be other backups.



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