Hello list,

My apologies if this email arrives more than once, I've been experiencing troubles posting to the -hackers list and am resending this review as new thread instead of a reply to an existing thread of http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2010-07/msg01072.php which also has relevant links to both patches and discussion.

Here follows a severly time-boxed review of both synchronous replication
patches. Expect this review to be incomplete, though I believe the
general remarks to be valid. Off the list I've received word from Zoltan
that work on a new patch is planned. It would be great if ideas from
both patches could be merged into one.

Yeb Havinga

Patch A: Zoltán Böszörményi
Patch B: Fujii Masao

* Is the patch in context diff format?
A: Yes
B: Yes

* Does it apply cleanly to the current CVS HEAD?
A: No
B: Yes

* Does it include reasonable tests, necessary doc patches, etc?
A: Doc patches, and a contrib module for debugging purposes.
B: Doc patches.

For neither patch the documentation is final, see e.g.
* 25.2 - The section starting with "It should be noted that the log
shipping is asynchronous, i.e.," should be updated.
* 25.2.5 - Dito for "Streaming replication is asynchronous, so there..."

Testing any replication setup is not possible with the current
regression tool suite, and adding that is beyond the scope of any
synchronous replication patch. Perhaps the work of Markus Wanner with
dtester (that adds a make dcheck) can be assimilated for this purpose.

Both patches add synchronous replication to the current single-master
streaming replication features in 9.0, which means that there now is a
mechanism where a commit on the master does not finish until 'some or
more of the replicas are in sync'

* Does the patch actually implement that?
A: Yes
B: No, if no standbys are connected commits to not wait. (If I
understand the code from WaitXLogSend correct)

* Do we want that?
For database users who do never want to loose a single committed record,
synchronous replication is a relatively easy setup to achieve a high
level of 'security' (where secure means: less chance of losing data).
The easiness is relative to current solutions (the whole range of
mirrored disks, controllers, backups, log shipping etc).

* Do we already have it?

* Does it follow SQL spec, or the community-agreed behavior?
A: Unknown, though the choices in guc parameters suggest the patch's
been made to support actual use cases.
B: Design of patch B has been discussed on the mailing list as well as
the wiki (for links I refer to my previous mail)

* Are there dangers?
Besides the usual errors causing transactions to fail, in my opinion the
single largest danger would be that the master thinks a standby is in
sync, where in fact it isn't.

* Have all the bases been covered?
Patch A seems to cover two-phase commit where patch B does not. (I'm
time constrained and currently do not have a replicated cluster with
patch B anymore, so I cannot test).

# Does the feature work as advertised?
Patch A: yes
Patch B: yes

I ran a few tests with failures and had some recoverable problems, of
which I'm unsure they are related to the sync rep patches or streaming
replication in general. Work in the direction of a replication
regression test would be useful.

# Are there any assertion failures or crashes?

A note: reading source code of both patches makes it clear that these
are patches from experienced PostgreSQL programmers. The source code
reads just like 'normal' high quality postgresql source.

Patch A synchronizes by sending back the Xids that have been received
and written to disk. When the master receives the xids, the respective
backends with having those xids active are unlocked and signalled to
continue. This means some locking of the procarray. The libpq protocol
was adapted so a client (the walreceiver) can report back the xids.
Patch B synchronizes by waiting to send wal data, until the sync
replicas have sending back LSN pointers in the wal files they have
synced to, in one of three ways. The libpq protocol was adapted so the
walreceiver can report back WAL file positions.

Perhaps the weakness of both patches is that they are not one. In my
opinion, both patches have their strengths. It would be great if these
strenght could be unified in a single patch.

patch A strengths:
* design of the guc parameters - meaning of
min_sync_replication_clients. As I understand it, it is not possible
with patch B to define a minimum number of synchronous standby servers a
transaction must be replicated to, before the commit succeeds. Perhaps
the name could be changed (quorum_min_sync_standbys?), but in my opinion
the definitive sync replication patch needs a parameter with this number
and exact meaning. The 'synchronous_slave' guc in boolean is also a good
one in my opinion.

patch B strengths:
* having the walsender synced by waiting for acked LSN, instead of
signalling respective backends with a specific XID active, seems like a
simpler and therefore better solution.
* the three different ways when to sync (recv,flush and replay), and
also that this is configurable per standby.

In patch B there's probably some work to do in WaitXLogSend(), after a
long day I'm having troubles understanding it's meaning but somehow I
believe that a more intuitive set of guc parameters can be found,
accompanied by clear code in this function. The way patch A synchronizes
and count synchronous standbys for a commit is clearer.

end of review.

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