Viktor Valy <> writes:
> Thanks for the advice!Yes, we are new to linux too :)We have chosen
> Eclipse, because we have already experience with it.However, after
> downloading the code from CVS, we can&#39;t build it, because of some
> include commands in tutorial / complex.c says "No such file or
> directory".  Does anybody know what the clue is?

Did you try this wiki page yet?

> On Tue, 2010-08-03 at 11:10 -0400, Robert Haas wrote:
>> Or vi.
> cough.

Well, I guess letting newcomers know about tools of choice amongst
regular contributors is a good idea, but the best editor you can find
around is the one you master.

In all fairness until now I counted a lot of Emacs users, some (g)vim
ones, and I didn't keep track of users of Visual Studio, Eclipse, etc
but you can't pretend they're not there. My bet is that the winner in
term of user count would be Emacs.


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