Robert Haas <> wrote:
> I'd just like to take a minute to thank him publicly for his
> efforts.  We started this CommitFest with something like 60
> patches, which is definitely on the larger side for a CommitFest,
> and Kevin did a great job staying on top of what was going on with
> all of them and, I felt, really helped keep us on track.  At the
> same time, I felt he did this with a very light touch that made
> the whole thing go very smoothly.  So -- thanks, Kevin!
You're welcome.  It was educational for me.  I don't think I want to
try to handle two in a row, and I think your style is better suited
than mine to the final CF for a release, but I might be able to take
on the 2010-11 CF if people want that.
My hand was not always so light behind the scenes, though -- I sent
or received about 100 off-list emails to try to keep things moving. 
Hopefully nobody was too offended by my nagging.  :-)
Oh, and thanks for putting together the CF web application.  Without
that, I couldn't have done half as well as I did.
> I also appreciate the efforts of all those who reviewed.
Yes, I'll second that!  I've always been impressed with the
PostgreSQL community, and managing this CF gave me new insights and
appreciation for the intelligence, professionalism, and community
spirit of its members -- authors, reviewers, and committers.

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