
I've been trying to come up with a simpler way to iterate over a series of 
values in pgTAP tests than by creating a table, inserting rows, and then 
selecting from the table. The best I've come up with so far is:

    CREATE TYPE vcmp AS ( lv semver, op text, rv semver);

    SELECT cmp_ok(lv, op, rv) FROM unnest(ARRAY[
        ROW('1.2.2',  '=', '1.2.2')::vcmp,
        ROW('1.2.23', '=', '1.2.23')::vcmp

Not bad, but I was hoping that I could cast all the rows at once, without the 
type, like so:

    SELECT cmp_ok(lv, op, rv) FROM unnest(ARRAY[
        ROW('1.2.2',  '=', '1.2.2'),
        ROW('1.2.23', '=', '1.2.23')
    ]) AS f(lv semver, op text, rv semver);

But this gives me an error (9.0b4):

psql:t/types.pg:205: ERROR:  function return row and query-specified return row 
do not match
DETAIL:  Returned type unknown at ordinal position 1, but query expects semver.

Pity it doesn't default to casting to text there. So I tried to just cast the 
first row:

    SELECT cmp_ok(lv, op, rv) FROM unnest(ARRAY[
        ROW('1.2.2'::semver,  '='::text, '1.2.2'::semver),
        ROW('1.2.23', '=', '1.2.23')
    ]) AS f(lv semver, op text, rv semver);

That's even worse!

psql:t/types.pg:205: ERROR:  invalid memory alloc request size 


That seems like a bug.

Aside from that, might there be another way to do this without an explicit 
composite type? Maybe with VALUES() or something?



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