On 09/07/2010 02:16 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
Right, definitely.  The trouble is that if they happen concurrently,
and there's a crash, you have to be prepared for the possibility that
either one of the two has completed and the other is not.


practice, this means that the master and standby need to compare notes
on the ending WAL location and whichever one is further advanced needs
to stream the intervening records to the other.

Not necessarily, no. Remember that the client didn't get a commit confirmation. So reverting might also be a correct solution (i.e. not violating the durability constraint).

This would be an
awesome feature, but it's hard, so for a first version, it makes sense
to commit on the master first and then on the standby after the master
is known done.

The obvious downside of that is that latency adds up, instead of just being the max of the two operations. And that for normal operation. While at best it saves an un-confirmed transaction in the failure case.

It might be harder to implement, yes.


Markus Wanner

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