Yeb Havinga <> writes:
> We intend to implement $subject, so instead of

> mycursor CURSOR (myparm text) IS SELECT myparm;
> OPEN mycursor('A');

> it would be possible to do

> OPEN mycursor(myparm := 'A');

Is this really worth the trouble?  Is it supported by any other DBMS?
Are cursors used so much, or with so many parameters, that there's a
real benefit to be gained?  (I tend to think that FOR loops are better
than cursors 99% of the time.)

I wouldn't be so obstructionist if this syntax weren't in flux.
But seeing that we have hopes of migrating from := to => before
very long, adding another dependency on that choice where it's
not buying a lot of functionality doesn't seem like a good idea.

                        regards, tom lane

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