Hitoshi Harada <umi.tan...@gmail.com> writes:
> 2010/10/2 Jeff Davis <pg...@j-davis.com>:
>> On Fri, 2010-10-01 at 18:52 +0900, Hitoshi Harada wrote:
> While tackling the top-level CTEs patch, I found that INSERT ...
> VALUES isn't aware of ORDER BY / LIMIT.

> From my reading the source around transformInsertStmt(), VALUES in
> INSERT is a bit apart from the one in SELECT. I see VALUES in INSERT
> has to process DEFAULT and it doesn't accept NEW/OLD reference when it
> is inside rule. But it doesn't seem like enough reason to explain why
> the two are so different, at least to me.

I think this is just an oversight here:

     * We have three cases to deal with: DEFAULT VALUES (selectStmt == NULL),
     * VALUES list, or general SELECT input.  We special-case VALUES, both for
     * efficiency and so we can handle DEFAULT specifications.
    isGeneralSelect = (selectStmt && selectStmt->valuesLists == NIL);

This test is failing to consider the possibility of optional clauses
grafted onto the VALUES clause --- not just LIMIT, but ORDER BY etc
(see insertSelectOptions()).  IMO we should simply consider that the
presence of any of those options makes it a "general select".
I don't believe that the SQL spec requires us to accept DEFAULT in
such a context, and we don't need to be tense about efficiency for
such weird cases either; so I don't want to clutter the special-purpose
VALUES code path with extra code to handle those things.

                        regards, tom lane

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