On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 8:42 AM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Did you also adjust random_page_cost?

No, my seq_page_cost (1) and random_page_cost (4) are from the
defaults. Here are all my non-default settings:

test=# SELECT name, unit, setting FROM pg_settings WHERE source !=
'default';             name            | unit |
 application_name           |      | psql
 config_file                |      | /Users/josh/runtime/data/postgresql.conf
 data_directory             |      | /Users/josh/runtime/data
 DateStyle                  |      | ISO, MDY
 default_text_search_config |      | pg_catalog.english
 effective_cache_size       | 8kB  | 131072
 hba_file                   |      | /Users/josh/runtime/data/pg_hba.conf
 ident_file                 |      | /Users/josh/runtime/data/pg_ident.conf
 lc_collate                 |      | en_US.UTF-8
 lc_ctype                   |      | en_US.UTF-8
 lc_messages                |      | C
 lc_monetary                |      | C
 lc_numeric                 |      | C
 lc_time                    |      | C
 listen_addresses           |      | *
 log_directory              |      | /Users/josh/runtime/logs
 log_line_prefix            |      | %t %u %h %d
 log_min_duration_statement | ms   | 0
 log_statement              |      | all
 log_timezone               |      | US/Eastern
 logging_collector          |      | on
 maintenance_work_mem       | kB   | 65536
 max_connections            |      | 7
 max_stack_depth            | kB   | 2048
 server_encoding            |      | UTF8
 shared_buffers             | 8kB  | 16384
 TimeZone                   |      | US/Eastern
 timezone_abbreviations     |      | Default
 transaction_isolation      |      | read committed
 transaction_read_only      |      | off
 wal_buffers                | 8kB  | 2048
 work_mem                   | kB   | 16384
(32 rows)

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