On 19 October 2010 05:21, Andrew Dunstan <and...@dunslane.net> wrote:
> On 10/18/2010 10:52 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> We could possibly deal with enum types that follow the existing
>> convention if we made the cache entry hold a list of all the original,
>> known-to-be-sorted OIDs.  (This could be reasonably compact and cheap to
>> probe if it were represented as a starting OID and a Bitmapset of delta
>> values, since we can assume that the initial set of OIDs is pretty close
>> together.)  But we have to have that cache entry, and we have to consult
>> it on every single comparison, so it's definitely going to be slower
>> than before.
>> So I'm thinking the comparison procedure goes like this:
>> 1. Both OIDs even?
>>        If so, just compare them numerically, and we're done.
>> 2. Lookup cache entry for enum type.
>> 3. Both OIDs in list of known-sorted OIDs?
>>        If so, just compare them numerically, and we're done.
>> 4. Search the part of the cache entry that lists sort positions.
>>        If not both present, refresh the cache entry.
>>        If still not present, throw error.
>> 5. Compare by sort positions.
>> Step 4 is the slowest part but would be avoided in most cases.
>> However, step 2 is none too speedy either, and would usually
>> be required when dealing with pre-existing enums.
> OK, I've made adjustments that I think do what you're suggesting.
> Patch is attached.

Ah, I'd missed the point about the bitmapset. In the most common case,
most of the enum elements are probably going to be in the right order,
so you save a lot by identifying that case quickly.

I didn't have time to play with hash maps myself, but I don't think it
will make much difference now because hopefully the binary search
isn't going to be hit a lot anyway.

There are a couple of things that look odd about this code though (I
haven't tested it, but they look wrong):

In the loop identifying the longest range:

        for (list_end = start_pos+1; list_end < num; list_end++)
            if (mycache->sort_order_list[list_end].sort_order <
                mycache->sort_order_list[list_end - 1].sort_order ||
                mycache->sort_order_list[list_end].enum_oid -
                mycache->sort_order_list[list_end].enum_oid >= BITMAPSIZE)

That last test isn't doing anything. Shouldn't the second "list_end"
should be "start_pos"?

In the loop that sets bits in the bitmap, it looks like it's assuming
the range starts at 0. I haven't had any caffeine yet, so maybe I'm
misunderstanding it, but I can't see anywhere that sets bitmap_base.


> Alternatively this can be pulled from
> <g...@github.com:adunstan/postgresql-dev.git>
> cheers
> andrew

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