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As promised I've given it a bit of polish and it's actually almost useful.
You can have a look at it http://svana.org/kleptog/pgsql/pgfsck.html

Just unpack the files into a directory. It's just a perl script with two
modules so no compiling necessary. You can download the package directly at

I've tested it on versions 6.5, 7.0 and 7.2 and it works. It shouldn't
crash, no matter how bad a file you feed it. It can output insert statements
also to help reconstruction.

Here is an example of the program being run over a suitably hexedited file.
# ./pgfsck -r 16559 kleptog website
-- Detected database format 7.2
-- Table pg_class(1259):Page 1:Tuple 0: Unknown type _aclitem (1034)
-- Table pg_class(1259):Page 1:Tuple 49: Unknown type _aclitem (1034)
-- Table website(16559):Page 0:Tuple 7: Tuple incorrect length (parsed 
-- Table website(16559):Page 0:Tuple 44: Decoding tuple runs off end: 627338916 > 69
-- Table website(16559):Page 0:Tuple 70: Bad tuple offset. Should be: 3784 <= 11592 < 

Currently the following features are not supported:

- Toasted / compressed tuples
- Checking indexes doesn't work (should it?)
- Views just produce empty output (because they are)
- Arrays don't work
- Since each type output has to be written, many types are not correctly output
- Split tables (1GB) are not supported past the first part.
- Some system tables in some versions have a strange layout. You may get many
  harmless warnings about the formats of pg_class, pg_attribute and/or pg_type.

Most of these are basically because I don't know how they work, but with a
bit of work some of these should be fixable.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
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