Itagaki Takahiro wrote:
When I submitted the patch, I tested it on disk-based RAID-5 machine:
But there were no additional benchmarking reports at that time. We still
need benchmarking before we re-examine the feature. For example, SSD and
SSD-RAID was not popular at that time, but now they might be considerable.

I did multiple rounds of benchmarking that, just none of it showed any improvement so I didn't bother reporting them in detail. I have recently figured out why the performance testing I did of that earlier patch probably failed to produce useful results on my system when I was testing it back then though. It relates to trivia around how ext3 handles fsync that's well understood now (the whole cache flushes out when one comes in), but wasn't back then yet.

We have a working set of patches here that both rewrite the checkpoint logic to avoid several larger problems with how it works now, as well as adding instrumentation that makes it possible to directly measure and graph whether methods such as sorting writes provide any improvement or not to the process. My hope is to have those all ready for initial submission as part of CommitFest 2010-11, as the main feature addition from myself toward improving 9.1.

I have a bunch of background information about this I'm presenting at PGWest next week, after which I'll start populating the wiki with more details and begin packaging the code too. I had hoped to revisit the checkpoint sorting details after that. Jeff or yourself are welcome to try your own tests in that area, I could use the help. But I think my measurement patches will help you with that considerably once I release them in another couple of weeks. Seeing a graph of latency sync times for each file is very informative for figuring out whether a change did something useful, more so than just staring at total TPS results. Such latency graphs are what I've recently started to do here, with some server-side changes that then feed into gnuplot.

The idea of making something like the sorting logic into a pluggable hook seems like a waste of time to me, particulary given that the earlier implementation really needed to be allocated a dedicated block of shared memory to work well IMHO (and I believe that's still the case). That area isn't where the real problems are at here anyway, especially on large memory systems. How the sync logic works is the increasingly troublesome part of the checkpoint code, because the problem it has to deal with grows proportionately to the size of the write cache on the system. Typical production servers I deal with have about 8X as much RAM now as they did in 2007 when I last investigated write sorting. Regular hard drives sure haven't gotten 8X faster since then, and battery-backed caches (which used to have enough memory to absorb a large portion of a checkpoint burst) have at best doubled in size.

Greg Smith, 2ndQuadrant US Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

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