On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:24 AM, Roberto Mello wrote:

> Yes, but I am wondering whether you should just stick to what would
> come out of a normal explain, for consistency sake. Maybe provide
> another function, or parameter that would cast the results to
> intervals?

I think it's more convenient to have intervals.

So my final list:

    CREATE TABLE plans (
        planned_at              TIMESTAMPTZ,
        node_id                 TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
        parent_id               TEXT REFERENCES plans(node_id),
        node_type               TEXT NOT NULL,
        total_runtime           INTERVAL,
        strategy                TEXT,
        operation               TEXT,
        startup_cost            FLOAT,
        total_cost              FLOAT,
        plan_rows               FLOAT,
        plan_width              INTEGER,
        actual_startup_time     INTERVAL,
        actual_total_time       INTERVAL,
        actual_rows             FLOAT,
        actual_loops            FLOAT,
        parent_relationship     TEXT,
        sort_key                TEXT[],
        sort_method             TEXT[],
        sort_space_used         BIGINT,
        sort_space_type         TEXT,
        join_type               TEXT,
        join_filter             TEXT,
        hash_cond               TEXT,
        relation_name           TEXT,
        alias                   TEXT,
        scan_direction          TEXT,
        index_name              TEXT,
        index_cond              TEXT,
        recheck_cond            TEXT,
        tid_cond                TEXT,
        merge_cond              TEXT,
        subplan_name            TEXT,
        function_name           TEXT,
        function_call           TEXT,
        filter                  TEXT,
        one_time_filter         TEXT,
        command                 TEXT,
        shared_hit_blocks       BIGINT,
        shared_read_blocks      BIGINT,
        shared_written_blocks   BIGINT,
        local_hit_blocks        BIGINT,
        local_read_blocks       BIGINT,
        local_written_blocks    BIGINT,
        temp_read_blocks        BIGINT,
        temp_written_blocks     BIGINT,
        output                  TEXT[],
        hash_buckets            BIGINT,
        hash_batches            BIGINT,
        original_hash_batches   BIGINT,
        peak_memory_usage       BIGINT,
        schema                  TEXT,
        cte_name                TEXT,       
        triggers                trigger_plan[]

planned_at is just the current time (from NOW()).

node_id is simply `md5( pg_backend_pid() || clock_timestamp() )`, which is run 
just before each node is parsed.

trigger_plan is a composite type:

    CREATE TYPE trigger_plan AS (
        trigger_name    TEXT,
        constraint_name TEXT,
        relation        TEXT,
        time            INTERVAL,
        calls           FLOAT

I'm wondering if there's any reason why we couldn't have EXPLAIN do something 
like this itself in core:

    EXPLAIN (format table) SELECT * FROM bar;

It could output a table like the above. FWIW, The function I've written works 
like this:

    SELECT plan('SELECT * FROM bar');

Which is an okay workaround. Anyone else think that this might be useful?



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