Sander Steffann wrote:
> >     What about a SET variable that controls the behaviour of
> >     SET variables :-)
> Or two commands for the same thing:
> - a SET command that behaves as it does now
> - a TSET command that is transaction-aware
> Ouch... :-)
> Sander

    Naw, that's far too easy. I got it now, a

        CONFIGURE variable ON ROLLBACK <action>

        action: SET DEFAULT             (read again from .conf)
              | SET 'value'             (might fail, fallback to .conf)
              | NO ACTION               (ignore rollback)
              | ROLLBACK                (return to value before transaction)

    Also,  we  should make all these settings DB dependant and be
    able to specify the configure settings in the .conf file,  so
    that  two  databases running under the same postmaster bahave
    completely different, just to make the confusion perfect  for
    every client.

    And for everyone who didn't get it, this was sarcasm!



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# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
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