Peter, glad to know you succeeded. FYI, a year ago we developed GiST extension for

On Tue, 23 Nov 2010, Peter Tanski wrote:

I found another off-by-one error in my Picksplit() algorithm and the GiST index 
contains one leaf tuple for each row in the table now.  The error was to start 
from 1 instead of 0 when assigning the entries.  Thanks to everyone for your 

For the record, this is the only GiST index I know of where the keys are over 
2000 bytes in size.  So GiST definitely handles large keys.  Perhaps the 
maximum size for intarray could be increased.

On Nov 23, 2010, at 4:01 PM, Yeb Havinga wrote:

On 2010-11-23 20:54, Peter Tanski wrote:
On Nov 23, 2010, at 1:37 PM, Yeb Havinga wrote:
j = 0;
for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i<  maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i)) {
  FPrint* v = deserialize_fprint(entv[i].key);
Isn't this off by one?  Offset numbers are 1-based, so the maxoff
computation is wrong.
The first for loop of all others compare with i<= maxoff instead of i<  maxoff.
You are right: I am missing the last one, there.  (During a memory-debugging 
phase entv[entryvec-n - 1] was always invalid, probably as a memory overwrite 
error but I fixed that later and never changed it back.)

On the other hand, there are two problems:

1. the maximum size on a GiST page is 4240 bytes, so I cannot add a full-size 
Datum using this kind of hash-key setup (the base Datum size is 4230 bytes on a 
64-bit machine).  The example test cases I used were smaller in order to get 
around that issue: they are 2326 bytes base size.

2. Even after fixing the Picksplit() loop, the dropped-leaf problem still 
manifests itself:
I noticed an n_entries intialization in one of your earlier mails that might also 
be a source of trouble. I was under the impression that gistentryvectors have n-1 
entries (not n-2 as you say), because the first element (0 / InvalidOffsetNumber) 
must be skipped. E.g. entryvec->n = 5. This means that there are 4 entries, 
which are in array positions 1,2,3,4.

btw: interesting topic, audio fingerprinting!

Yeb Havinga

Oleg Bartunov, Research Scientist, Head of AstroNet (,
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Russia
phone: +007(495)939-16-83, +007(495)939-23-83

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