> I suppose arrays are PostgreSQL's equivalent of multi-valued data (is it
> possible to have arrays of arrays?)  So it could be argued that
> PostgreSQL already provides part of what Arthur wants.

It seems to me that there would be a whopping lot of value to the exercise of 
figuring out some way of "layering" MVD on top of a relational database, even 
if only to provide something sufficiently analytical to cope with the 
perpetual claims of:

  "MultiValued Databases are Vastly, Spectacularly, the Bestest Kind of
   Database ever imagined in the universe!  No, really they are!"

It might not be necessary to go all the way to fully layering such a thing atop 
PostgreSQL, although it would be a nice riposte to be able to respond with:

  "Been there, done that.  Of _COURSE_ PostgreSQL supports MultiValue."
(reverse (concatenate 'string "gro.gultn@" "enworbbc"))
Including a destination in the CC list that will cause the recipients'
mailer to blow out is a good way to stifle dissent.
-- from the Symbolics Guidelines for Sending Mail

(reverse (concatenate 'string "ac.notelrac.teneerf@" "454aa"))
"Starting a project in C/C++ is a premature optimization."
-- Peter Jensen

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