On Dec 10, 2010, at 1:55 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:

> I'd say that for anything in /contrib, it gets a new version with each
> major version of postgresql, but not with each minor version.  Thus,
> say, dblink when 9.1.0 is release would be dblink 9.1-1.  If in 9.1.4 we
> fix a bug in dblink, then it becomes dblink 9.1-2.

Please don't add "-" to version numbers.

> This is confusing from a version number perpsective, but it prevents
> admins from having to run extension upgrades when nothing has changed.
> The alternative would be to match postgresql minor version numbering
> exactly, and then come up with some way to have a "no-op" upgrade in the
> frequent cases where the contrib module isn't changed during a minor
> release.  This would also require some kind of "upgrade all" command for
> contrib.



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