Jim Mercer wrote:
> On Thu, May 02, 2002 at 08:15:15AM -0400, mlw wrote:
> > Jean-Michel POURE wrote:
> > > Le Jeudi 2 Mai 2002 01:59, David Terrell a écrit :
> > > > "Provide a really good database and have fun doing it"
> > >
> > > PostgreSQL Community is commited to providing Humanity with the best
> > > multi-purpose, reliable, open-source and free database system.
> >
> >
> > The PostgreSQL community is committed to creating and maintaining the best,
> > most reliable, open-source multi-purpose standards based database, and with
> > it, promote free and open source software world wide.
> >
> > Who's that? Anyone disagree?
> why does it have to be THE BEST ?  that is insulting to the other projects
> like MySQL which while "competitors" are also a valid and useful benchmark
> for features, performance and keeping the postgresql community on its
> collective toes.

This is interesting, a mission statement isn't necessarily about "what is" but
about what we "want to do," what it is that we "intend to do," i.e. "our
mission." It is vital that a mission statement contain the superlatives.
Mediocrity has no place here.

I don't know about you, but I want PostgreSQL to be the best, be THE most
reliable. Omitting "best" or "most" from the statement means that we should all
just give up now, because PostgreSQL is pretty damn good already.

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