Itagaki Takahiro <> writes:
> I think the version is almost OK, but I have a couple of comments:
> - Why do you need directory_fctx in genfile.h ?

I then use it in extension.c, this way:

typedef struct extension_fctx
        directory_fctx dir;
        ExtensionList *installed;
} extension_fctx;

> - It might be reasonable to have 3 and 1 arguments version of pg_read_file.
>   i.e, (path, offset, size) and (path). Two args version (path, offset)
>   doesn't seem to be so useful. In addition, CREATE EXTENSION will always
>   call it with offset=0, no?

Depending on the 'relocatable' property, we now do either of those calls:



So we're using the internal forms only here, and we can propose whatever
API we find best. Reading through the end of the file seems common
enough, but I agree I would prefer reading the whole file here if I had
to pick only one.

> - We don't need some of added #include "utils/array.h" anymore.

Ah yes, true.

Do you want another patch version from me?
Dimitri Fontaine     PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

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