On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 2:19 PM, David Fetter <da...@fetter.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 12:37:52PM -0500, Robert Haas wrote:
>> We're now just a day or two from the end of this CommitFest and there
>> are still a LOT of open patches - to be specific, 23.Here's a brief
>> synopsis of where we are with the others, all IMO of course.
> [snip]
>> - Writeable CTEs - I think we need Tom to pick this one up.
> What is it about this that's so complex?  It's not like it could
> impinge on previous functionality, at least at the SQL level.

I didn't say it was complex, although it is.  I said I think we need
Tom to pick it up.  That's partly because he's likely to have
overpoweringly strong opinions on how it should work, which may make
it unproductive for someone else to spend time on it.  Also, it is
complex, and regardless of what effects it has on anything else, it
does need to work.  Tom is good at that.

>> - Tab completion in psql for triggers on views - Added to CF late,
>> suggest we bump it to the next CF where it will have a leg up by
>> virtue of already being marked Ready for Committer.
> People are, by the way, allowed to commit patches outside of CFs.  I
> had submitted it imagining that its triviality would allow this, which
> is why it got into the CF late in the first place.

You can insist all you like that your favorite patches are trivial,
but that doesn't make it so.  I am well aware that patches can be
committed between CommitFests.  For example:

git log --author=Haas --since=2010-10-16 --before=2010-11-14

>> All in all it's disappointing to have so many major patches
>> outstanding at this point in the CommitFest, but I think we're just
>> going to have to make the best of it.
> I'm thinking that given all these givens, we should make the best of
> it with more CF in March.  We don't want a repeat of the "last-minute
> giant change" anti-pattern, and even if we're releasing 9.1 in July,
> three months plus is plenty of time to shake things out.

-1.  That's as likely to make the back-up of big patches worse as it
is to make it better.  Maybe more likely.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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