On 15/12/10 16:25, Dmitriy Igrishin wrote:
> 2010/12/15 Jan Urbański <wulc...@wulczer.org>
>> So how about just adding a text column to pg_type and a IDENTIFIER
>> keywork to CREATE TYPE. It's not guaranteed to be unique, but isn't it
>> pushing the argument to the extreme? Someone can change around bool and
>> text type oids, too... And then hstore_plpython looks up the well-known
>> identifier, sets up a RVV with the OID and everyone's happy.
> How IDENTIFIER differs from name ? org.postgresql.hstore vs hstore ?

Hm, now that I think of it, the only real difference is that you don't
use search_path to look it up. So public.hstore is just as good an

I could live with plpython_hstore_type = "public.hstore", I guess.
hstore_plpython would look at that GUC, look up the type, set up a RVV
containing the OID and plpython would use it.


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