On 29.12.2010 13:17, Robert Haas wrote:
Did you read the whole thread?

Ah, sorry:

I've had to change some of the heap_open(rv) calls to
relation_open(rv) to avoid having the former throw the wrong error
message before the latter kicks in.  I think there might be stylistic
objections to that, but I'm not sure what else to propose.  I'm
actually pretty suspicious that many of the heap_open(rv) calls I
*didn't* change are either already a little iffy or likely to become
so once the SQL/MED stuff for foreign tables goes in.  They make it
easy to forget that we've got a whole pile of relkinds and you
actually need to really think about which ones you can handle.

Hmm, I believe the idea of heap_open is to check that the relation is backed by a heap that you can read with heap_beginscan+heap_next. At the moment that includes normal tables, sequences and toast tables. Foreign tables would not fall into that category.

Yeah, you're right that most of the callers of heap_open actually want to a tighter check than that.

  Heikki Linnakangas
  EnterpriseDB   http://www.enterprisedb.com

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