(2011/01/06 14:28), Robert Haas wrote:
> 2011/1/5 KaiGai Kohei<kai...@ak.jp.nec.com>:
>> The attached patch is the modular version of SE-PostgreSQL (take.2).
> I'm reading through the documentation and so far it looks pretty
> reasonable.  But I have some questions and suggested changes, of
> course.  :-)
Thanks for your reviewing in spite of large chunk.

> 1. Why is sepgsql the right name for this module, as opposed to, say,
> selinux?  We don't call the cube module cubepgsql, or the hstore
> module hstorepgsql.  Maybe there's a reason why this case is
> different, but I'm not sure.
In some previous cases when SELinux model was ported to other systems,
its project was named as SE-(other system), such as SE-BSD, SE-X, etc...
I named it according to this convention, however, it is indeed uncertain
whether 'sepgsql' follows on the convention in pgsql side.

I don't think it is a strong reason why the module is named as 'sepgsql'
instead of 'selinux'. In advertisement context, we can just call it as

> 2. The docs contains some references to /usr/local/pgsql/share..  Does
> this really mean "whatever sharedir you established when you ran
> configure", i.e. the output of pg_config --sharedir?  I hope so.
Yes, it means the sharedir being configured.

I found the following description at the installation.sgml.
I should put this kind of mention on the documentation.

|  <para>
|   These instructions assume that your existing installation is under the
|   <filename>/usr/local/pgsql</> directory, and that the data area is in
|   <filename>/usr/local/pgsql/data</>.  Substitute your paths
|   appropriately.
|  </para>

> 3. The language for the sepgsql.permissive GUC suggests that it's
> PGC_POSTMASTER, but I'd think PGC_SIGHUP ought to be sufficient.
> Either way, please copy the appropriate language from some existing
> GUC of the same type instead of inventing a new way to say it.  I also
> have no idea what "because it invalidates all the inefficient stuff"
> means.
OK, I'll try to find up similar description then fix up both of the
code and documentation.

> 4. Please remove the upcoming features section of the documentation.
> This material is appropriate for a page on the wiki, but shouldn't be
> part of the official documentation.  Instead, you might want to have a
> *short* "Limitations" section.
OK, I'll replace an itemization of limitations in this version.

> 5. I'm not too sure about this one, but I think it might be good to
> elaborate on what we mean by respecting the system SE-Linux policy.
> What kinds of objects do we support checks on?  What sorts of checks?
> What kind of access can we allow/deny?
I guess these detailed description makes amount of this chapter
disproportionally increase in the future version.
My preference is wikipage to provide this kind of detailed information.


The contents of above wikipage is now obsoleted, because it assumed
SELinux support as a built-in feature. But it is a good time to fix
up the description.

KaiGai Kohei <kai...@ak.jp.nec.com>

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