On 05.01.2011 15:54, Magnus Hagander wrote:
* Suggestion from Heikki: perhaps at some point we're going to need a full
   bison grammar for walsender commands.

Here's a patch for this (Also available at g...@github.com:hlinnaka/postgres.git, branch "streaming_base"). I thought I know our bison/flex magic pretty well by now, but it turned out to take much longer than I thought. But here it is.

I'm not 100% sure if this is worth the trouble quite yet. It adds quite a lot of boilerplate code.. OTOH, having a bison grammar file makes it easier to see what exactly the grammar is, and I like that. It's not too bad with three commands yet, but if it expands much further a bison grammar is a must.

At first I tried using the backend lexer for this, but it couldn't parse the xlog-start location in the "START_REPLICATION 0/47000000" command. In hindsight that may have been a badly chosen syntax. But as you pointed out on IM, the lexer needed to handle this limited set of commands is very small, so I wrote a dedicated flex lexer instead that can handle it.

  Heikki Linnakangas
  EnterpriseDB   http://www.enterprisedb.com
*** a/src/backend/replication/Makefile
--- b/src/backend/replication/Makefile
*** 12,17 **** subdir = src/backend/replication
  top_builddir = ../../..
  include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
! OBJS = walsender.o walreceiverfuncs.o walreceiver.o basebackup.o
  include $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/common.mk
--- 12,40 ----
  top_builddir = ../../..
  include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
! OBJS = walsender.o walreceiverfuncs.o walreceiver.o basebackup.o \
! 	repl_gram.o
  include $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/common.mk
+ # repl_scanner is compiled as part of repl_gram
+ repl_gram.o: repl_scanner.c
+ # See notes in src/backend/parser/Makefile about the following two rules
+ repl_gram.c: repl_gram.y
+ ifdef BISON
+ 	$(BISON) -d $(BISONFLAGS) -o $@ $<
+ else
+ 	@$(missing) bison $< $@
+ endif
+ repl_scanner.c: repl_scanner.l
+ ifdef FLEX
+ 	$(FLEX) $(FLEXFLAGS) -o'$@' $<
+ else
+ 	@$(missing) flex $< $@
+ endif
+ # repl_gram.c and repl_scanner.c are in the distribution tarball, so
+ # they are not cleaned here.
*** a/src/backend/replication/basebackup.c
--- b/src/backend/replication/basebackup.c
*** 56,81 **** base_backup_cleanup(int code, Datum arg)
   * CopyOut format.
! SendBaseBackup(const char *options)
  	DIR 		   *dir;
  	struct dirent  *de;
- 	char   		   *backup_label = strchr(options, ';');
- 	bool			progress = false;
- 	if (backup_label == NULL)
- 		ereport(FATAL,
- 				 errmsg("invalid base backup options: %s", options)));
- 	backup_label++; /* Walk past the semicolon */
- 	/* Currently the only option string supported is PROGRESS */
- 	if (strncmp(options, "PROGRESS", 8) == 0)
- 		progress = true;
- 	else if (options[0] != ';')
- 		ereport(FATAL,
- 				 errmsg("invalid base backup options: %s", options)));
  	/* Make sure we can open the directory with tablespaces in it */
  	dir = AllocateDir("pg_tblspc");
--- 56,65 ----
   * CopyOut format.
! SendBaseBackup(const char *backup_label, bool progress)
  	DIR 		   *dir;
  	struct dirent  *de;
  	/* Make sure we can open the directory with tablespaces in it */
  	dir = AllocateDir("pg_tblspc");
*** /dev/null
--- b/src/backend/replication/repl_gram.y
*** 0 ****
--- 1,135 ----
+ %{
+ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *
+  * repl_gram.y				- Parser for the replication commands
+  *
+  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2011, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  *
+  *	  src/backend/replication/repl_gram.y
+  *
+  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  */
+ #include "postgres.h"
+ #include "nodes/nodes.h"
+ #include "nodes/replnodes.h"
+ #include "replication/walsender.h"
+ /* Result of the parsing is returned here */
+ Node *replication_parse_result;
+ /* Location tracking support --- simpler than bison's default */
+ #define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \
+ 	do { \
+ 		if (N) \
+ 			(Current) = (Rhs)[1]; \
+ 		else \
+ 			(Current) = (Rhs)[0]; \
+ 	} while (0)
+ /*
+  * Bison doesn't allocate anything that needs to live across parser calls,
+  * so we can easily have it use palloc instead of malloc.  This prevents
+  * memory leaks if we error out during parsing.  Note this only works with
+  * bison >= 2.0.  However, in bison 1.875 the default is to use alloca()
+  * if possible, so there's not really much problem anyhow, at least if
+  * you're building with gcc.
+  */
+ #define YYMALLOC palloc
+ #define YYFREE   pfree
+ #define parser_yyerror(msg)  replication_yyerror(msg, yyscanner)
+ #define parser_errposition(pos)  replication_scanner_errposition(pos)
+ %}
+ %expect 0
+ %name-prefix="replication_yy"
+ %union {
+ 		char					*str;
+ 		bool					boolval;
+ 		XLogRecPtr				recptr;
+ 		Node					*node;
+ }
+ /* Non-keyword tokens */
+ %token <str> SCONST 
+ %token <recptr> RECPTR
+ /* Keyword tokens. */
+ %token K_BASE_BACKUP
+ %token K_PROGRESS
+ %type <node>	command
+ %type <node>	base_backup start_replication identify_system
+ %type <boolval>	opt_progress
+ %%
+ firstcmd: command opt_semicolon
+ 				{
+ 					replication_parse_result = $1;
+ 				}
+ 			;
+ opt_semicolon:	';'
+ 				| /* EMPTY */
+ 				;
+ command:
+ 			identify_system
+ 			| base_backup
+ 			| start_replication
+ 			;
+ /*
+  */
+ identify_system:
+ 				{
+ 					$$ = (Node *) makeNode(IdentifySystemCmd);
+ 				}
+ 			;
+ /*
+  */
+ base_backup:
+ 			K_BASE_BACKUP SCONST opt_progress
+ 				{
+ 					BaseBackupCmd *cmd = (BaseBackupCmd *) makeNode(BaseBackupCmd);
+ 					cmd->label = $2;
+ 					cmd->progress = $3;
+ 					$$ = (Node *) cmd;
+ 				}
+ opt_progress: K_PROGRESS		{ $$ = true; }
+ 			| /* EMPTY */		{ $$ = false; }
+ /*
+  */
+ start_replication:
+ 				{
+ 					StartReplicationCmd *cmd;
+ 					cmd = makeNode(StartReplicationCmd);
+ 					cmd->startpoint = $2;
+ 					$$ = (Node *) cmd;
+ 				}
+ %%
+ #include "repl_scanner.c"
*** /dev/null
--- b/src/backend/replication/repl_scanner.l
*** 0 ****
--- 1,164 ----
+ %{
+ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *
+  * repl_scanner.l
+  *	  a lexical scanner for the replication commands
+  *
+  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2011, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  *
+  *	  src/backend/replication/repl_scanner.l
+  *
+  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  */
+ #include "postgres.h"
+ /* Avoid exit() on fatal scanner errors (a bit ugly -- see yy_fatal_error) */
+ #undef fprintf
+ #define fprintf(file, fmt, msg)  ereport(ERROR, (errmsg_internal("%s", msg)))
+ /* Handle to the buffer that the lexer uses internally */
+ static YY_BUFFER_STATE scanbufhandle;
+ static StringInfoData litbuf;
+ static void startlit(void);
+ static char *litbufdup(void);
+ static void addlit(char *ytext, int yleng);
+ static void addlitchar(unsigned char ychar);
+ %}
+ %option 8bit
+ %option never-interactive
+ %option nodefault
+ %option noinput
+ %option nounput
+ %option noyywrap
+ %option warn
+ %option prefix="replication_yy"
+ %x xq
+ /* Extended quote
+  * xqdouble implements embedded quote, ''''
+  */
+ xqstart			{quote}
+ xqdouble		{quote}{quote}
+ xqinside		[^']+
+ hexdigit		[0-9A-Za-z]+
+ quote			'
+ quotestop		{quote}
+ %%
+ PROGRESS			{ return K_PROGRESS; }
+ ","				{ return ','; }
+ ";"				{ return ';'; }
+ [\n]			;
+ [\t]			;
+ " "				;
+ {hexdigit}+\/{hexdigit}+		{
+ 					yylval.str = pstrdup(yytext);
+ 					if (sscanf(yytext, "%X/%X", &yylval.recptr.xlogid, &yylval.recptr.xrecoff) != 2)
+ 						yyerror("invalid streaming start location");
+ 					return RECPTR;
+ 				}
+ {xqstart}		{
+ 					BEGIN(xq);
+ 					startlit();
+ 				}
+ <xq>{quotestop}	{
+ 					yyless(1);
+ 					yylval.str = litbufdup();
+ 					return SCONST;
+ 				}
+ <xq>{xqdouble} {
+ 					addlitchar('\'');
+ 				}
+ <xq>{xqinside}  {
+ 					addlit(yytext, yyleng);
+ 				}
+ <xq><<EOF>>		{ yyerror("unterminated quoted string"); }
+ <<EOF>>			{
+ 					yyterminate();
+ 				}
+ .				{
+ 					elog(ERROR, "syntax error: unexpected character \"%s\"", yytext);
+ 				}
+ %%
+ static void
+ startlit(void)
+ {
+   initStringInfo(&litbuf);
+ }
+ static char *
+ litbufdup(void)
+ {
+   return litbuf.data;
+ }
+ static void
+ addlit(char *ytext, int yleng)
+ {
+ 	appendBinaryStringInfo(&litbuf, ytext, yleng);
+ }
+ static void
+ addlitchar(unsigned char ychar)
+ {
+     appendStringInfoChar(&litbuf, ychar);
+ }
+ void
+ yyerror(const char *message)
+ {
+ 	elog(ERROR, "%s", message);
+ }
+ void
+ replication_scanner_init(const char *str)
+ {
+ 	Size		slen = strlen(str);
+ 	char	   *scanbuf;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Might be left over after ereport()
+ 	 */
+ 		yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Make a scan buffer with special termination needed by flex.
+ 	 */
+ 	scanbuf = (char *) palloc(slen + 2);
+ 	memcpy(scanbuf, str, slen);
+ 	scanbuf[slen] = scanbuf[slen + 1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ 	scanbufhandle = yy_scan_buffer(scanbuf, slen + 2);
+ }
+ void
+ replication_scanner_finish()
+ {
+ 	yy_delete_buffer(scanbufhandle);
+ 	scanbufhandle = NULL;
+ }
*** a/src/backend/replication/walsender.c
--- b/src/backend/replication/walsender.c
*** 43,48 ****
--- 43,49 ----
  #include "libpq/pqformat.h"
  #include "libpq/pqsignal.h"
  #include "miscadmin.h"
+ #include "nodes/replnodes.h"
  #include "replication/basebackup.h"
  #include "replication/walprotocol.h"
  #include "replication/walsender.h"
*** 97,102 **** static void WalSndXLogSendHandler(SIGNAL_ARGS);
--- 98,104 ----
  static void WalSndLastCycleHandler(SIGNAL_ARGS);
  /* Prototypes for private functions */
+ static bool HandleReplicationCommand(const char *cmd_string);
  static int	WalSndLoop(void);
  static void InitWalSnd(void);
  static void WalSndHandshake(void);
*** 213,330 **** WalSndHandshake(void)
  			case 'Q':			/* Query message */
  					const char *query_string;
- 					XLogRecPtr	recptr;
  					query_string = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);
! 					if (strcmp(query_string, "IDENTIFY_SYSTEM") == 0)
! 					{
! 						StringInfoData buf;
! 						char		sysid[32];
! 						char		tli[11];
! 						/*
! 						 * Reply with a result set with one row, two columns.
! 						 * First col is system ID, and second is timeline ID
! 						 */
! 						snprintf(sysid, sizeof(sysid), UINT64_FORMAT,
! 								 GetSystemIdentifier());
! 						snprintf(tli, sizeof(tli), "%u", ThisTimeLineID);
! 						/* Send a RowDescription message */
! 						pq_beginmessage(&buf, 'T');
! 						pq_sendint(&buf, 2, 2); /* 2 fields */
! 						/* first field */
! 						pq_sendstring(&buf, "systemid");		/* col name */
! 						pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 4); /* table oid */
! 						pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 2); /* attnum */
! 						pq_sendint(&buf, TEXTOID, 4);	/* type oid */
! 						pq_sendint(&buf, -1, 2);		/* typlen */
! 						pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 4); /* typmod */
! 						pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 2); /* format code */
! 						/* second field */
! 						pq_sendstring(&buf, "timeline");		/* col name */
! 						pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 4); /* table oid */
! 						pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 2); /* attnum */
! 						pq_sendint(&buf, INT4OID, 4);	/* type oid */
! 						pq_sendint(&buf, 4, 2); /* typlen */
! 						pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 4); /* typmod */
! 						pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 2); /* format code */
! 						pq_endmessage(&buf);
! 						/* Send a DataRow message */
! 						pq_beginmessage(&buf, 'D');
! 						pq_sendint(&buf, 2, 2); /* # of columns */
! 						pq_sendint(&buf, strlen(sysid), 4);		/* col1 len */
! 						pq_sendbytes(&buf, (char *) &sysid, strlen(sysid));
! 						pq_sendint(&buf, strlen(tli), 4);		/* col2 len */
! 						pq_sendbytes(&buf, (char *) tli, strlen(tli));
! 						pq_endmessage(&buf);
! 						/* Send CommandComplete and ReadyForQuery messages */
! 						EndCommand("SELECT", DestRemote);
! 						ReadyForQuery(DestRemote);
! 						/* ReadyForQuery did pq_flush for us */
! 					}
! 					else if (sscanf(query_string, "START_REPLICATION %X/%X",
! 									&recptr.xlogid, &recptr.xrecoff) == 2)
! 					{
! 						StringInfoData buf;
! 						/*
! 						 * Check that we're logging enough information in the
! 						 * WAL for log-shipping.
! 						 *
! 						 * NOTE: This only checks the current value of
! 						 * wal_level. Even if the current setting is not
! 						 * 'minimal', there can be old WAL in the pg_xlog
! 						 * directory that was created with 'minimal'. So this
! 						 * is not bulletproof, the purpose is just to give a
! 						 * user-friendly error message that hints how to
! 						 * configure the system correctly.
! 						 */
! 						if (wal_level == WAL_LEVEL_MINIMAL)
! 							ereport(FATAL,
! 									(errcode(ERRCODE_CANNOT_CONNECT_NOW),
! 									 errmsg("standby connections not allowed because wal_level=minimal")));
! 						/* Send a CopyBothResponse message, and start streaming */
! 						pq_beginmessage(&buf, 'W');
! 						pq_sendbyte(&buf, 0);
! 						pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 2);
! 						pq_endmessage(&buf);
! 						pq_flush();
! 						/*
! 						 * Initialize position to the received one, then the
! 						 * xlog records begin to be shipped from that position
! 						 */
! 						sentPtr = recptr;
! 						/* break out of the loop */
  						replication_started = true;
- 					}
- 					else if (strncmp(query_string, "BASE_BACKUP ", 12) == 0)
- 					{
- 						/* Command is BASE_BACKUP <options>;<label> */
- 						SendBaseBackup(query_string + strlen("BASE_BACKUP "));
- 						/* Send CommandComplete and ReadyForQuery messages */
- 						EndCommand("SELECT", DestRemote);
- 						ReadyForQuery(DestRemote);
- 						/* ReadyForQuery did pq_flush for us */
- 					}
- 					else
- 					{
- 						ereport(FATAL,
- 								 errmsg("invalid standby query string: %s", query_string)));
- 					}
- 					break;
  			case 'X':
  				/* standby is closing the connection */
--- 215,228 ----
  			case 'Q':			/* Query message */
  					const char *query_string;
  					query_string = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);
! 					if (HandleReplicationCommand(query_string))
  						replication_started = true;
+ 				break;
  			case 'X':
  				/* standby is closing the connection */
*** 346,351 **** WalSndHandshake(void)
--- 244,399 ----
+  * Execute an incoming replication command.
+  */
+ static bool
+ HandleReplicationCommand(const char *cmd_string)
+ {
+ 	bool		replication_started = false;
+ 	int			parse_rc;
+ 	Node		*cmd_node;
+ 	MemoryContext cmd_context;
+ 	MemoryContext old_context;
+ 	elog(DEBUG1, "received replication command: %s", cmd_string);
+ 	cmd_context = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
+ 										"Replication command context",
+ 	old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(cmd_context);
+ 	replication_scanner_init(cmd_string);
+ 	parse_rc = replication_yyparse();
+ 	if (parse_rc != 0)
+ 		elog(ERROR, "replication command parser returned %d", parse_rc);
+ 	cmd_node = replication_parse_result;
+ 	switch(cmd_node->type)
+ 	{
+ 		case T_IdentifySystemCmd:
+ 		{
+ 			StringInfoData buf;
+ 			char		sysid[32];
+ 			char		tli[11];
+ 			/*
+ 			 * Reply with a result set with one row, two columns.
+ 			 * First col is system ID, and second is timeline ID
+ 			 */
+ 			snprintf(sysid, sizeof(sysid), UINT64_FORMAT,
+ 					 GetSystemIdentifier());
+ 			snprintf(tli, sizeof(tli), "%u", ThisTimeLineID);
+ 			/* Send a RowDescription message */
+ 			pq_beginmessage(&buf, 'T');
+ 			pq_sendint(&buf, 2, 2); /* 2 fields */
+ 			/* first field */
+ 			pq_sendstring(&buf, "systemid");		/* col name */
+ 			pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 4); /* table oid */
+ 			pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 2); /* attnum */
+ 			pq_sendint(&buf, TEXTOID, 4);	/* type oid */
+ 			pq_sendint(&buf, -1, 2);		/* typlen */
+ 			pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 4); /* typmod */
+ 			pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 2); /* format code */
+ 			/* second field */
+ 			pq_sendstring(&buf, "timeline");		/* col name */
+ 			pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 4); /* table oid */
+ 			pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 2); /* attnum */
+ 			pq_sendint(&buf, INT4OID, 4);	/* type oid */
+ 			pq_sendint(&buf, 4, 2); /* typlen */
+ 			pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 4); /* typmod */
+ 			pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 2); /* format code */
+ 			pq_endmessage(&buf);
+ 			/* Send a DataRow message */
+ 			pq_beginmessage(&buf, 'D');
+ 			pq_sendint(&buf, 2, 2); /* # of columns */
+ 			pq_sendint(&buf, strlen(sysid), 4);		/* col1 len */
+ 			pq_sendbytes(&buf, (char *) &sysid, strlen(sysid));
+ 			pq_sendint(&buf, strlen(tli), 4);		/* col2 len */
+ 			pq_sendbytes(&buf, (char *) tli, strlen(tli));
+ 			pq_endmessage(&buf);
+ 			/* Send CommandComplete and ReadyForQuery messages */
+ 			EndCommand("SELECT", DestRemote);
+ 			ReadyForQuery(DestRemote);
+ 			/* ReadyForQuery did pq_flush for us */
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 		case T_StartReplicationCmd:
+ 		{
+ 			StartReplicationCmd *cmd = (StartReplicationCmd *) cmd_node;
+ 			StringInfoData buf;
+ 			/*
+ 			 * Check that we're logging enough information in the
+ 			 * WAL for log-shipping.
+ 			 *
+ 			 * NOTE: This only checks the current value of
+ 			 * wal_level. Even if the current setting is not
+ 			 * 'minimal', there can be old WAL in the pg_xlog
+ 			 * directory that was created with 'minimal'. So this
+ 			 * is not bulletproof, the purpose is just to give a
+ 			 * user-friendly error message that hints how to
+ 			 * configure the system correctly.
+ 			 */
+ 			if (wal_level == WAL_LEVEL_MINIMAL)
+ 				ereport(FATAL,
+ 						 errmsg("standby connections not allowed because wal_level=minimal")));
+ 			/* Send a CopyBothResponse message, and start streaming */
+ 			pq_beginmessage(&buf, 'W');
+ 			pq_sendbyte(&buf, 0);
+ 			pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 2);
+ 			pq_endmessage(&buf);
+ 			pq_flush();
+ 			/*
+ 			 * Initialize position to the received one, then the
+ 			 * xlog records begin to be shipped from that position
+ 			 */
+ 			sentPtr = cmd->startpoint;
+ 			/* break out of the loop */
+ 			replication_started = true;
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 		case T_BaseBackupCmd:
+ 		{
+ 			BaseBackupCmd *cmd = (BaseBackupCmd *) cmd_node;
+ 			/* Command is BASE_BACKUP <options>;<label> */
+ 			SendBaseBackup(cmd->label, cmd->progress);
+ 			/* Send CommandComplete and ReadyForQuery messages */
+ 			EndCommand("SELECT", DestRemote);
+ 			ReadyForQuery(DestRemote);
+ 			/* ReadyForQuery did pq_flush for us */
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 		default:
+ 			ereport(FATAL,
+ 					 errmsg("invalid standby query string: %s", cmd_string)));
+ 	}
+ 	/* done */
+ 	MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_context);
+ 	MemoryContextDelete(cmd_context);
+ 	return replication_started;
+ }
+ /*
   * Check if the remote end has closed the connection.
  static void
*** a/src/include/nodes/nodes.h
--- b/src/include/nodes/nodes.h
*** 355,360 **** typedef enum NodeTag
--- 355,368 ----
+ 	/*
+ 	 */
+ 	T_IdentifySystemCmd = 850,
+ 	T_BaseBackupCmd,
+ 	T_StartReplicationCmd,
  	 * TAGS FOR PARSE TREE NODES (parsenodes.h)
*** a/src/include/replication/basebackup.h
--- b/src/include/replication/basebackup.h
*** 12,17 ****
  #ifndef _BASEBACKUP_H
  #define _BASEBACKUP_H
! extern void SendBaseBackup(const char *options);
  #endif   /* _BASEBACKUP_H */
--- 12,17 ----
  #ifndef _BASEBACKUP_H
  #define _BASEBACKUP_H
! extern void SendBaseBackup(const char *backup_label, bool progress);
  #endif   /* _BASEBACKUP_H */
*** a/src/include/replication/walsender.h
--- b/src/include/replication/walsender.h
*** 13,18 ****
--- 13,19 ----
  #define _WALSENDER_H
  #include "access/xlog.h"
+ #include "nodes/nodes.h"
  #include "storage/latch.h"
  #include "storage/spin.h"
*** 54,57 **** extern Size WalSndShmemSize(void);
--- 55,70 ----
  extern void WalSndShmemInit(void);
  extern void WalSndWakeup(void);
+ /*
+  * Internal functions for parsing the replication grammar, in repl_gram.y and
+  * repl_scanner.l
+  */
+ extern int	replication_yyparse(void);
+ extern int	replication_yylex(void);
+ extern void replication_yyerror(const char *str);
+ extern void replication_scanner_init(const char *query_string);
+ extern void replication_scanner_finish(void);
+ extern Node *replication_parse_result;
  #endif   /* _WALSENDER_H */
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