On Thu, 2002-05-09 at 22:51, Jan Wieck wrote:
> Scott Marlowe wrote:
> > There are some issues that the whole idea of a win32 port should bring up.
> > One of them is whether or not postgresql should be rewritten as a
> > multi-threaded app.
>     Please, don't add this one to it.
>     I'm  all for the native Windows port, yes, but I've discussed
>     the multi-thread questions for days  at  Great  Bridge,  then
>     again with my new employer, with people on shows and whatnot.
>     Anything in the whole  backend  is  designed  with  a  multi-
>     process  model in mind.  You'll not do that in any reasonable
>     amount of time.

IIRC you are replying to the man who _has_ actually don this ?

Perhaps using an unreasonable amount of time but still ... :)


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