Unexpected argument handling in pl/python variadic argument function

create or replace function variadic_sql
        (template text, variadic args text[], out text)
        language sql as
                select $1 || '  --  ' || $2::text

create or replace function variadic_python
        (template text, variadic args text[], out text)
        language plpythonu as
                return template + '  --  ' + str(args)

-- expected
select variadic_sql('<html>{foo}{bar}</html>', '1', '2');
 <html>{foo}{bar}</html>  --  {1,2}

-- first scalar arg also in the variadic args
select variadic_python('<html>{foo}{bar}</html>', '1', '2');

 <html>{foo}{bar}</html>  --  ['<html>{foo}{bar}</html>', ['1', '2']]

select version();
 PostgreSQL 9.0.1 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC
i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc (Gentoo 4.4.2 p1.0) 4.4.2, 32-bit
(1 row)

I could not find very much documentation and only this on the lists:

from Jan Urbański on his planned improvements for pl/python:

> * variadic argument handling (is this possible for a non-plpgsql pl?)

Does this mean this is already a recognized flaw or it was unknown at
the time if the feature was implemented?  I would definitely would not
expect the argument to duplicated.  I know there is big patch for
pl/python being reviewed right now.  Perhaps this is being fixed? It
would be wonderful for plpython to support complex arguments

Nate Carson

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