"David E. Wheeler" <da...@kineticode.com> writes:
> I think M. Fetter is completely wrong. If people are rethinking
> whether they should volunteer based on whether other people are being
> funded for their time to review patches, we don't want such people
> around anyway. Let them leave.

I can see his concern though: we have to be very careful to avoid
establishing perverse incentives.

The larger picture is that quite a few people are paid to work on
Postgres already --- me, for instance.  That doesn't seem to have
discouraged other people from working on it on their own time.  But
I'm not paid according to how many bugs I find, and wouldn't want
to be.

I don't have a problem with funding people to work on Postgres.
We just have to be careful that the grants aren't set up in a way
that might encourage people to game the system.

I'm also not sure that "review a patch" is a well-chosen specific goal
to have here, especially not for people who've not been around the
project at all.  It's hard enough for people who *do* have a lot of
context to do useful reviews.

                        regards, tom lane

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