On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 5:32 AM, Tom Lanyon
<tom+pgsql-hack...@oneshoeco.com> wrote:
> List,
> Can anyone suggest where the below error comes from, given I'm attempting to 
> load HTTP access log data with reasonably small row and column value lengths?
>        logs=# COPY raw FROM '/path/to/big/log/file' DELIMITER E'\t' CSV;
>        ERROR:  out of memory
>        DETAIL:  Cannot enlarge string buffer containing 1073712650 bytes by 
> 65536 more bytes.
>        CONTEXT:  COPY raw, line 613338983
> It was suggested in #postgresql that I'm reaching the 1GB MaxAllocSize - but 
> I would have thought this would only be a constraint against either large 
> values for specific columns or for whole rows. It's worth noting that this is 
> after 613 million rows have already been loaded (somewhere around 100GB of 
> data) and that I'm running this COPY after the "CREATE TABLE raw ..." in a 
> single transaction.
> I've looked at line 613338983 in the file being loaded (+/- 10 rows) and 
> can't see anything out of the ordinary.
> Disclaimer: I know nothing of PostgreSQL's internals, please be gentle!

Is there by any chance a trigger on this table?  Or any foreign keys?

What version of PostgreSQL?

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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