* Pavel Stehule (pavel.steh...@gmail.com) wrote:
> There is only bad keywords in doc - SCALE instead SLICE and a maybe a
> usage of slicing need a example.

Err, yeah, a couple of stupid documentation issues, sorry about that.

commit 9460c0831f5de71e31823b7e9d8511d2d8124776
Author: Stephen Frost <sfr...@snowman.net>
Date:   Tue Feb 8 16:15:03 2011 -0500

    Add ARRAY keyword to example, ewps.

commit 34a8ffd8d4cfe42bb4f698564f16bd468b9f2613
Author: Stephen Frost <sfr...@snowman.net>
Date:   Tue Feb 8 16:14:17 2011 -0500

    Tabs are bad, mmmkay.

commit cf1ebcb7e4905cc31cd58b4fd9fa90cd488cc0c0
Author: Stephen Frost <sfr...@snowman.net>
Date:   Tue Feb 8 16:13:22 2011 -0500

    PL/PgSQL documentation cleanups
    SCALE -> SLICE (no clue where SCALE came from..) and clarify
    what a SLICE is, really.

*** a/doc/src/sgml/plpgsql.sgml
--- b/doc/src/sgml/plpgsql.sgml
*** 300,310 **** $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
       All variables used in a block must be declared in the
       declarations section of the block.
!      (The only exceptions are that the loop variable of a <literal>FOR</> loop
!      iterating over a range of integer values is automatically declared as an
!      integer variable, and likewise the loop variable of a <literal>FOR</> loop
!      iterating over a cursor's result is automatically declared as a
!      record variable.)
--- 300,308 ----
       All variables used in a block must be declared in the
       declarations section of the block.
!      (The only exceptions are the loop variables of <literal>FOR</> and
!      <literal>FOREACH</> loops which are automatically declared as the
!      appropriate variable type to match what to loop is over.)
*** 1359,1375 **** GET DIAGNOSTICS integer_var = ROW_COUNT;
!             A <command>FOR</> statement sets <literal>FOUND</literal> true
!             if it iterates one or more times, else false.  This applies to
!             all four variants of the <command>FOR</> statement (integer
!             <command>FOR</> loops, record-set <command>FOR</> loops,
!             dynamic record-set <command>FOR</> loops, and cursor
!             <command>FOR</> loops).
!             <literal>FOUND</literal> is set this way when the
!             <command>FOR</> loop exits; inside the execution of the loop,
!             <literal>FOUND</literal> is not modified by the
!             <command>FOR</> statement, although it might be changed by the
!             execution of other statements within the loop body.
--- 1357,1375 ----
!             A <command>FOR</> or <command>FOREACH</> statement sets
!             <literal>FOUND</literal> to true if it iterates one or more times,
!             else to false.  This applies to all four variants of the
!             <command>FOR</> statement (integer <command>FOR</> loops, record-set
!             <command>FOR</> loops, dynamic record-set <command>FOR</> loops, and
!             cursor <command>FOR</> loops) and all variants of the
!             <command>FOREACH</> statement (currently only ARRAY
!             <command>FOREACH</> loops).  <literal>FOUND</literal> is set this
!             way when the <command>FOR</> or <command>FOREACH</> loop exits;
!             inside the execution of the loop, <literal>FOUND</literal> is not
!             modified by the <command>FOR</> or <command>FOREACH</> statement,
!             although it might be changed by the execution of other statements
!             within the loop body.
*** 1910,1918 **** END CASE;
       With the <literal>LOOP</>, <literal>EXIT</>,
!      <literal>CONTINUE</>, <literal>WHILE</>, and <literal>FOR</>
!      statements, you can arrange for your <application>PL/pgSQL</>
!      function to repeat a series of commands.
--- 1910,1918 ----
       With the <literal>LOOP</>, <literal>EXIT</>,
!      <literal>CONTINUE</>, <literal>WHILE</>, <literal>FOR</>,
!      and <literal>FOREACH</> statements, you can arrange for your
!      <application>PL/pgSQL</> function to repeat a series of commands.
*** 2238,2243 **** END LOOP <optional> <replaceable>label</replaceable> </optional>;
--- 2238,2287 ----
+    <sect2 id="plpgsql-array-foreach-loop">
+     <title>Looping Through Arrays</title>
+     <para>
+     Similar to a <literal>FOR</> loop is the <literal>FOREACH</> loop.
+     <literal>FOREACH</> is used to loop over multi-value variables, such
+     as ARRAYs.  Other multi-value variables may be added to <literal>FOREACH</>
+     later.  Note that <literal>FOREACH</> can be thought of horizantally
+     looping, whereas <literal>FOR</> can be thought of a vertical loop.
+     The <literal>FOREACH</> statement to loop over an ARRAY is:
+ <synopsis>
+ <optional> &lt;&lt;<replaceable>label</replaceable>&gt;&gt; </optional>
+ FOREACH <replaceable>target</replaceable> <optional> SLICE <replaceable>number</replaceable> </optional> IN ARRAY <replaceable>expression</replaceable> LOOP
+     <replaceable>statements</replaceable>
+ END LOOP <optional> <replaceable>label</replaceable> </optional>;
+ </synopsis>
+     This <literal>FOREACH</> form allows looping over each variable in an
+     array, in which case the loop variable will be the array's component
+     type (eg: the single-value loop variable for an integer ARRAY would
+     be an integer), or looping over slices of the array, in which case
+     the loop variable will be an array itself of the same type as the array.
+     Note that the SLICE is one of the dimensions of the array- it's not a
+     number of elements.  Following is an example of looping through an
+     integer array:
+ <programlisting>
+   s int8; x int;
+   LOOP
+     s := s + x;
+   RETURN s;
+ END;
+ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+ </programlisting>
+     </para>
+    </sect2>
     <sect2 id="plpgsql-error-trapping">
      <title>Trapping Errors</title>
*** a/src/backend/utils/adt/arrayfuncs.c
--- b/src/backend/utils/adt/arrayfuncs.c
*** 68,74 **** static void CopyArrayEls(ArrayType *array,
  			 Datum *values, bool *nulls, int nitems,
  			 int typlen, bool typbyval, char typalign,
  			 bool freedata);
- static bool array_get_isnull(const bits8 *nullbitmap, int offset);
  static void array_set_isnull(bits8 *nullbitmap, int offset, bool isNull);
  static Datum ArrayCast(char *value, bool byval, int len);
  static int ArrayCastAndSet(Datum src,
--- 68,73 ----
*** 3829,3834 **** arraycontained(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
--- 3828,3996 ----
+ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * array iteration functions
+  *		These functions are used to efficiently iterate through arrays
+  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  */
+ /*
+  * Create an iterator for the array 'arr' which will allow us to
+  * step through the array one slice at a time (where a slice
+  * is the size of the dimension indicated by slice_ndim).
+  */
+ ArrayReader
+ array_create_iterator(ArrayType *arr, int slice_ndim)
+ {
+ 	ArrayReader reader = palloc(sizeof(ArrayReaderData));
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Store a pointer to the array itself, since we need
+ 	 * various information from it as we build up arrays
+ 	 * based off of it to return.  No need to have the
+ 	 * caller pass it in every time.
+ 	 */
+ 	reader->arr = arr;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Initialize our data pointer to the beginning of the data
+ 	 * segment, this pointer gets moved along as we move through
+ 	 * the array.
+ 	 */
+ 	reader->data_ptr = ARR_DATA_PTR(arr);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Similairly, initialize our current_item, this is used to
+ 	 * check against the null bitmap for each element as we walk
+ 	 * through the array.
+ 	 */
+ 	reader->current_item = 0;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Get a pointer into the ARR_DIMS() array which starts where
+ 	 * a given slice would start at, so that we have the dimensions
+ 	 * of the slice itself when we're building an array to return.
+ 	 */
+ 	reader->slice_dims_offset = ARR_DIMS(arr) + ARR_NDIM(arr) - slice_ndim;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Similairly, get a pointer into the ARR_LBOUND() which starts
+ 	 * where a given slice would start at.
+ 	 */
+ 	reader->slice_lbound_offset = ARR_LBOUND(arr) == 0 ?  NULL :
+ 								  ARR_LBOUND(arr) + ARR_NDIM(arr) - slice_ndim;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Gather this information during the set-up phase, since
+ 	 * it involves a cache lookup and there's no sense doing
+ 	 * that over and over.
+ 	 */
+ 	get_typlenbyvalalign(ARR_ELEMTYPE(arr),
+ 						&reader->typlen,
+ 						&reader->typbyval,
+ 						&reader->typalign);
+ 	/* Get the total number of elements in the array */
+ 	reader->nitems = ArrayGetNItems(ARR_NDIM(arr), ARR_DIMS(arr));
+ 	reader->slice_len = ArrayGetNItems(slice_ndim, reader->slice_dims_offset);
+ 	reader->slice_ndim = slice_ndim;
+ 	return reader;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Iterate one slice at a time through the array which was passed to
+  * array_create_iterator based on the slice size requested, returning
+  * each slice via *value / *isnull
+  */
+ bool
+ array_iterate(ArrayReader reader, Datum *value, bool *isnull)
+ {
+ 	/* Check if we have reached the end of the array */
+ 	if (reader->current_item >= reader->nitems)
+ 		return false;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * When slice_len is zero, we are just stepping through the array
+ 	 * one element at a time.  This is the nice, simple, case.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (reader->slice_len == 0)
+ 	{
+ 		/* Return just one element. */
+ 		if (array_get_isnull(ARR_NULLBITMAP(reader->arr), reader->current_item++))
+ 		{
+ 			*isnull = true;
+ 			*value = (Datum) 0;
+ 		}
+ 		else
+ 		{
+ 			/* non-NULL, so fetch the individual Datum to return */
+ 			*isnull = false;
+ 			*value = fetch_att(reader->data_ptr, reader->typbyval,
+ 							   reader->typlen);
+ 			/* Move our data pointer forward to the next element */
+ 			reader->data_ptr = att_addlength_pointer(reader->data_ptr,
+ 													 reader->typlen,
+ 													 reader->data_ptr);
+ 			reader->data_ptr = (char *) att_align_nominal(reader->data_ptr,
+ 														  reader->typalign);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	{
+ 		/*
+ 		 * slice_len is non-zero, so we have to build and return an array which
+ 		 * matches the slice size requested (which is the size of one of the
+ 		 * dimensions of the array we're working on).
+ 		 */
+ 		int					i;
+ 		ArrayBuildState	    *astate = NULL;
+ 		/* Returns a slice. Copy "slice_len" elements to new array. */
+ 		for (i = 0; i < reader->slice_len; i++)
+ 		{
+ 			if (array_get_isnull(ARR_NULLBITMAP(reader->arr), reader->current_item++))
+ 			{
+ 				/* Add in a NULL element, if we come across one */
+ 				astate = accumArrayResult(astate, (Datum) 0, true,
+ 										ARR_ELEMTYPE(reader->arr),
+ 										CurrentMemoryContext);
+ 			}
+ 			else
+ 			{
+ 				Datum	element;
+ 				/* Fetch each element and add it into the new array */
+ 				element = fetch_att(reader->data_ptr, reader->typbyval,
+ 									reader->typlen);
+ 				astate = accumArrayResult(astate, element, false,
+ 										ARR_ELEMTYPE(reader->arr),
+ 										CurrentMemoryContext);
+ 				/* Move our data pointer forward to the next element */
+ 				reader->data_ptr = att_addlength_pointer(reader->data_ptr,
+ 														 reader->typlen,
+ 														 reader->data_ptr);
+ 				reader->data_ptr = (char *) att_align_nominal(reader->data_ptr,
+ 															  reader->typalign);
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		/* Build the final array to return */
+ 		*isnull = false;
+ 		*value = makeMdArrayResult(astate, reader->slice_ndim,
+ 								   reader->slice_dims_offset,
+ 								   reader->slice_lbound_offset,
+ 								   CurrentMemoryContext, true);
+ 	}
+ 	return true;
+ }
  /******************|		  Support  Routines			  |*****************/
*** 3840,3846 **** arraycontained(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
   * nullbitmap: pointer to array's null bitmap (NULL if none)
   * offset: 0-based linear element number of array element
! static bool
  array_get_isnull(const bits8 *nullbitmap, int offset)
  	if (nullbitmap == NULL)
--- 4002,4008 ----
   * nullbitmap: pointer to array's null bitmap (NULL if none)
   * offset: 0-based linear element number of array element
! bool
  array_get_isnull(const bits8 *nullbitmap, int offset)
  	if (nullbitmap == NULL)
*** a/src/include/utils/array.h
--- b/src/include/utils/array.h
*** 115,120 **** typedef struct ArrayMapState
--- 115,148 ----
  } ArrayMapState;
+  * array_create_iterator() will return the below structure which is later
+  * used and updated by array_iterate() to allow the caller to efficiently
+  * step through an array one slice at a time.  A slice is defined as one
+  * dimension of the base array.
+  */
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ 	/* current position information, updated on each iteration */
+ 	char		   *data_ptr;		/* our current position in the array */
+ 	int				current_item;	/* the item # we're at in the array */
+ 	/* Cache'd info about the array that is pulled during initialization */
+ 	ArrayType	   *arr;			/* array we're iterating through */
+ 	int				nitems;			/* total number of elements in array */
+ 	int16			typlen;			/* element's length */
+ 	bool			typbyval;		/* element's byval property */
+ 	char			typalign;		/* align type of element */
+ 	/* information about the requested slice */
+ 	int				slice_len;		/* number of elements per slice */
+ 	int				slice_ndim;		/* slice dimension */
+ 	int			   *slice_dims_offset; /* slice dims array */
+ 	int			   *slice_lbound_offset; /* slice lbound array */
+ } ArrayReaderData;
+ typedef ArrayReaderData *ArrayReader;
+ /*
   * fmgr macros for array objects
  #define DatumGetArrayTypeP(X)		  ((ArrayType *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM(X))
*** 215,220 **** extern Datum array_ref(ArrayType *array, int nSubscripts, int *indx,
--- 243,249 ----
  extern ArrayType *array_set(ArrayType *array, int nSubscripts, int *indx,
  		  Datum dataValue, bool isNull,
  		  int arraytyplen, int elmlen, bool elmbyval, char elmalign);
+ extern bool array_get_isnull(const bits8 *nullbitmap, int offset);
  extern ArrayType *array_get_slice(ArrayType *array, int nSubscripts,
  				int *upperIndx, int *lowerIndx,
  				int arraytyplen, int elmlen, bool elmbyval, char elmalign);
*** 254,259 **** extern Datum makeArrayResult(ArrayBuildState *astate,
--- 283,291 ----
  extern Datum makeMdArrayResult(ArrayBuildState *astate, int ndims,
  				  int *dims, int *lbs, MemoryContext rcontext, bool release);
+ extern ArrayReader array_create_iterator(ArrayType *arr, int slice_ndim);
+ extern bool array_iterate(ArrayReader reader, Datum *value, bool *isnull);
   * prototypes for functions defined in arrayutils.c
*** a/src/pl/plpgsql/src/gram.y
--- b/src/pl/plpgsql/src/gram.y
*** 21,26 ****
--- 21,27 ----
  #include "parser/parse_type.h"
  #include "parser/scanner.h"
  #include "parser/scansup.h"
+ #include "utils/array.h"
  /* Location tracking support --- simpler than bison's default */
*** 134,139 **** static	List			*read_raise_options(void);
--- 135,141 ----
  			PLpgSQL_datum   *scalar;
  			PLpgSQL_rec     *rec;
  			PLpgSQL_row     *row;
+ 			int	slice;
  		}						forvariable;
*** 178,184 **** static	List			*read_raise_options(void);
  %type <ival>	assign_var
  %type <var>		cursor_variable
  %type <datum>	decl_cursor_arg
! %type <forvariable>	for_variable
  %type <stmt>	for_control
  %type <str>		any_identifier opt_block_label opt_label
--- 180,186 ----
  %type <ival>	assign_var
  %type <var>		cursor_variable
  %type <datum>	decl_cursor_arg
! %type <forvariable>	for_variable foreach_control
  %type <stmt>	for_control
  %type <str>		any_identifier opt_block_label opt_label
*** 190,196 **** static	List			*read_raise_options(void);
  %type <stmt>	stmt_return stmt_raise stmt_execsql
  %type <stmt>	stmt_dynexecute stmt_for stmt_perform stmt_getdiag
  %type <stmt>	stmt_open stmt_fetch stmt_move stmt_close stmt_null
! %type <stmt>	stmt_case
  %type <list>	proc_exceptions
  %type <exception_block> exception_sect
--- 192,198 ----
  %type <stmt>	stmt_return stmt_raise stmt_execsql
  %type <stmt>	stmt_dynexecute stmt_for stmt_perform stmt_getdiag
  %type <stmt>	stmt_open stmt_fetch stmt_move stmt_close stmt_null
! %type <stmt>	stmt_case stmt_foreach_a
  %type <list>	proc_exceptions
  %type <exception_block> exception_sect
*** 239,244 **** static	List			*read_raise_options(void);
--- 241,247 ----
  %token <keyword>	K_ABSOLUTE
  %token <keyword>	K_ALIAS
  %token <keyword>	K_ALL
+ %token <keyword>	K_ARRAY
  %token <keyword>	K_BACKWARD
  %token <keyword>	K_BEGIN
  %token <keyword>	K_BY
*** 264,269 **** static	List			*read_raise_options(void);
--- 267,273 ----
  %token <keyword>	K_FETCH
  %token <keyword>	K_FIRST
  %token <keyword>	K_FOR
+ %token <keyword>	K_FOREACH
  %token <keyword>	K_FORWARD
  %token <keyword>	K_FROM
  %token <keyword>	K_GET
*** 298,303 **** static	List			*read_raise_options(void);
--- 302,308 ----
  %token <keyword>	K_ROWTYPE
  %token <keyword>	K_ROW_COUNT
  %token <keyword>	K_SCROLL
+ %token <keyword>	K_SLICE
  %token <keyword>	K_SQLSTATE
  %token <keyword>	K_STRICT
  %token <keyword>	K_THEN
*** 739,744 **** proc_stmt		: pl_block ';'
--- 744,751 ----
  						{ $$ = $1; }
  				| stmt_for
  						{ $$ = $1; }
+ 				| stmt_foreach_a
+ 						{ $$ = $1; }
  				| stmt_exit
  						{ $$ = $1; }
  				| stmt_return
*** 1386,1391 **** for_variable	: T_DATUM
--- 1393,1456 ----
+ stmt_foreach_a		: opt_block_label K_FOREACH foreach_control K_IN K_ARRAY expr_until_loop loop_body
+ 					{
+ 						PLpgSQL_stmt_foreach_a *new = palloc0(sizeof(PLpgSQL_stmt_foreach_a));
+ 						new->cmd_type = PLPGSQL_STMT_FOREACH_A;
+ 						new->lineno = plpgsql_location_to_lineno(@2);
+ 						new->label = $1;
+ 						new->expr = $6;
+ 						new->slice = $3.slice;
+ 						new->body = $7.stmts;
+ 						if ($3.rec)
+ 						{
+ 							new->rec = $3.rec;
+ 							check_assignable((PLpgSQL_datum *) new->rec, @3);
+ 						}
+ 						else if ($3.row)
+ 						{
+ 							new->row = $3.row;
+ 							check_assignable((PLpgSQL_datum *) new->row, @3);
+ 						}
+ 						else if ($3.scalar)
+ 						{
+ 							Assert($3.scalar->dtype == PLPGSQL_DTYPE_VAR);
+ 							new->var = (PLpgSQL_var *) $3.scalar;
+ 							check_assignable($3.scalar, @3);
+ 						}
+ 						else
+ 						{
+ 							ereport(ERROR,
+ 									(errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
+ 									 errmsg("loop variable of loop over array must be a record, row variable, scalar variable or list of scalar variables"),
+ 											 parser_errposition(@3)));
+ 						}
+ 						check_labels($1, $7.end_label, $7.end_label_location);
+ 						$$ = (PLpgSQL_stmt *) new;
+ 					}
+ 				;
+ foreach_control		: for_variable
+ 					{
+ 						$$ = $1;
+ 						$$.slice = 0;
+ 					}
+ 				| for_variable K_SLICE ICONST
+ 					{
+ 						$$ = $1;
+ 						$$.slice = $3;
+ 						if ($3 < 0 || $3 >= MAXDIM)
+ 							ereport(ERROR,
+ 									 errmsg("number of slicing array dimensions (%d) exceeds the maximum allowed (%d)",
+ 												$3, MAXDIM),
+ 											 parser_errposition(@3)));
+ 					}
+ 				;
  stmt_exit		: exit_type opt_label opt_exitcond
  						PLpgSQL_stmt_exit *new;
*** 2035,2040 **** any_identifier	: T_WORD
--- 2100,2106 ----
  unreserved_keyword	:
  				| K_ALIAS
+ 				| K_ARRAY
  				| K_BACKWARD
  				| K_CONSTANT
  				| K_CURSOR
*** 2063,2068 **** unreserved_keyword	:
--- 2129,2135 ----
  				| K_ROW_COUNT
  				| K_ROWTYPE
  				| K_SCROLL
+ 				| K_SLICE
  				| K_SQLSTATE
  				| K_TYPE
  				| K_USE_COLUMN
*** a/src/pl/plpgsql/src/pl_exec.c
--- b/src/pl/plpgsql/src/pl_exec.c
*** 107,112 **** static int exec_stmt_fors(PLpgSQL_execstate *estate,
--- 107,114 ----
  			   PLpgSQL_stmt_fors *stmt);
  static int exec_stmt_forc(PLpgSQL_execstate *estate,
  			   PLpgSQL_stmt_forc *stmt);
+ static int exec_stmt_foreach_a(PLpgSQL_execstate *estate,
+ 				    PLpgSQL_stmt_foreach_a *stmt);
  static int exec_stmt_open(PLpgSQL_execstate *estate,
  			   PLpgSQL_stmt_open *stmt);
  static int exec_stmt_fetch(PLpgSQL_execstate *estate,
*** 1312,1317 **** exec_stmt(PLpgSQL_execstate *estate, PLpgSQL_stmt *stmt)
--- 1314,1323 ----
  			rc = exec_stmt_forc(estate, (PLpgSQL_stmt_forc *) stmt);
+ 			rc = exec_stmt_foreach_a(estate, (PLpgSQL_stmt_foreach_a *) stmt);
+ 			break;
  			rc = exec_stmt_exit(estate, (PLpgSQL_stmt_exit *) stmt);
*** 2026,2031 **** exec_stmt_forc(PLpgSQL_execstate *estate, PLpgSQL_stmt_forc *stmt)
--- 2032,2231 ----
  	return rc;
+ /* ----------
+  * exec_stmt_foreach_a			Implements loop over array
+  *
+  * This allows iterating over an array using either a single-step
+  * approach, or by doing it in slices where a slice is one dimension
+  * of the array.  When single-step'ing, the loop variable is the same
+  * type that the array stores (eg: integer), when looping through
+  * slices, the loop variable is, itself, an array of size and dimensions
+  * to match the size of the slice.
+  * ----------
+  */
+ static int
+ exec_stmt_foreach_a(PLpgSQL_execstate *estate, PLpgSQL_stmt_foreach_a *stmt)
+ {
+ 	/* variable which will be changing as we loop over the array */
+ 	Datum				value;
+ 	bool				isnull;
+ 	ArrayType		   *arr;					/* Our copy of the array */
+ 	Oid					valtype;				/* array value type */
+ 	Oid					elmOid;
+ 	/* control variable */
+ 	PLpgSQL_datum	   *ctrl_var = NULL;		/* make compiler quiet */
+ 	Oid					ctrl_var_type = InvalidOid;
+ 	/* return variables */
+ 	bool				found = false;
+ 	int					rc = PLPGSQL_RC_OK;
+ 	/* Our iterator for looping over the array */
+ 	ArrayReader			array_iterator;
+ 	/* get the value of the array expression using array_expr */
+ 	value = exec_eval_expr(estate, stmt->expr, &isnull, &valtype);
+ 	if (isnull)
+ 		ereport(ERROR,
+ 				 errmsg("NULL value isn't allowed as parameter of FOREACH-IN")));
+ 	/* check the type of the expression - must be an array */
+ 	if (!OidIsValid(get_element_type(valtype)))
+ 		ereport(ERROR,
+ 				 errmsg("result of expression isn't an array"),
+ 				 errdetail("result of expression is %s",
+ 									format_type_be(valtype))));
+ 	/* make a copy of the array, is this necessary? */
+ 	arr = DatumGetArrayTypePCopy(value);
+ 	/* Clean up any leftover temporary memory */
+ 	exec_eval_cleanup(estate);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * If the target needs to be an array, check that it actually is,
+ 	 * and that it has a valid dimension for the array we're looping
+ 	 * through.
+ 	 */
+ 	/* Attempt to get the element OID, for error checking below */
+ 	elmOid = InvalidOid;
+ 	if (stmt->var != NULL)
+ 		elmOid = get_element_type(stmt->var->datatype->typoid);
+ 	/* slice dimension should be less or equal to array dimension */
+ 	if (stmt->slice > ARR_NDIM(arr))
+ 			ereport(ERROR,
+ 					 errmsg("slice dimension requested (%d) is higher than the number of array dimensions (%d)",
+ 								    stmt->slice, ARR_NDIM(arr))));
+ 	/* Trying to do a slice, but we weren't given an array variable */
+ 	if (stmt->slice > 0 && elmOid == InvalidOid)
+ 		ereport(ERROR,
+ 				 errmsg("target variable \"%s\" for sliced array should be an array type",
+ 							stmt->var ? stmt->var->refname :
+ 							stmt->row ? stmt->row->refname :
+ 							stmt->rec ? stmt->rec->refname : "Unknown"),
+ 				 errhint("Value assigned will be of an array type.")));
+ 	/* Trying to loop through as a scalar but given an array variable */
+ 	if (stmt->slice == 0 && stmt->var != NULL && elmOid != InvalidOid)
+ 		ereport(ERROR,
+ 				 errmsg("target variable \"%s\" is  an array",
+ 							stmt->var->refname),
+ 				errhint("Value assigned will be of a scalar type")));
+ 	/* Set up the control variable/variable type */
+ 	if (stmt->slice > 0)
+ 	{
+ 		/* Doing array-based slices, set up our control variable */
+ 		ctrl_var_type = valtype;
+ 		ctrl_var = estate->datums[stmt->var->dno];
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	{
+ 		/* Looping one element at a time */
+ 		/* without slicing, loop var is the same type as an array element */
+ 		ctrl_var_type = ARR_ELEMTYPE(arr);
+ 		/* Figure out what kind of variable the element is going to be */
+ 		if (stmt->var != NULL)
+ 			ctrl_var = estate->datums[stmt->var->dno];
+ 		else if (stmt->row != NULL)
+ 			ctrl_var = estate->datums[stmt->row->dno];
+ 		else
+ 			ctrl_var = estate->datums[stmt->rec->dno];
+ 	}
+ 	/* Create an iterator to step through the array, a slice at a time */
+ 	array_iterator = array_create_iterator(arr, stmt->slice);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Iterate over the array, a slice at a time, and execute the statements
+ 	 * in the block with the variable set to the current element or slice
+ 	 */
+ 	while (array_iterate(array_iterator, &value, &isnull))
+ 	{
+ 		/* There is minimally one loop, so assign "found" to true */
+ 		found = true;
+ 		/* Fill in the control variable */
+ 		exec_assign_value(estate, ctrl_var, value, ctrl_var_type, &isnull);
+ 		/*
+ 		 * Execute the statements
+ 		 */
+ 		rc = exec_stmts(estate, stmt->body);
+ 		/* Handle the return code */
+ 		if (rc == PLPGSQL_RC_RETURN)
+ 			break;				/* break out of the loop */
+ 		else if (rc == PLPGSQL_RC_EXIT)
+ 		{
+ 			if (estate->exitlabel == NULL)
+ 				/* unlabelled exit, finish the current loop */
+ 				rc = PLPGSQL_RC_OK;
+ 			else if (stmt->label != NULL &&
+ 					 strcmp(stmt->label, estate->exitlabel) == 0)
+ 			{
+ 				/* labelled exit, matches the current stmt's label */
+ 				estate->exitlabel = NULL;
+ 				rc = PLPGSQL_RC_OK;
+ 			}
+ 			/*
+ 			 * otherwise, this is a labelled exit that does not match the
+ 			 * current statement's label, if any: return RC_EXIT so that the
+ 			 * EXIT continues to propagate up the stack.
+ 			 */
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 		else if (rc == PLPGSQL_RC_CONTINUE)
+ 		{
+ 			if (estate->exitlabel == NULL)
+ 				/* unlabelled continue, so re-run the current loop */
+ 				rc = PLPGSQL_RC_OK;
+ 			else if (stmt->label != NULL &&
+ 					 strcmp(stmt->label, estate->exitlabel) == 0)
+ 			{
+ 				/* label matches named continue, so re-run loop */
+ 				estate->exitlabel = NULL;
+ 				rc = PLPGSQL_RC_OK;
+ 			}
+ 			else
+ 			{
+ 				/*
+ 				 * otherwise, this is a named continue that does not match the
+ 				 * current statement's label, if any: return RC_CONTINUE so
+ 				 * that the CONTINUE will propagate up the stack.
+ 				 */
+ 				break;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	pfree(array_iterator);
+ 	pfree(arr);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Set the FOUND variable to indicate the result of executing the loop
+ 	 * (namely, whether we looped one or more times). This must be set here so
+ 	 * that it does not interfere with the value of the FOUND variable inside
+ 	 * the loop processing itself.
+ 	 */
+ 	exec_set_found(estate, found);
+ 	return rc;
+ }
  /* ----------
   * exec_stmt_exit			Implements EXIT and CONTINUE
*** a/src/pl/plpgsql/src/pl_funcs.c
--- b/src/pl/plpgsql/src/pl_funcs.c
*** 230,235 **** plpgsql_stmt_typename(PLpgSQL_stmt *stmt)
--- 230,237 ----
  			return _("FOR over SELECT rows");
  			return _("FOR over cursor");
+ 			return _("FOREACH over array");
  			return "EXIT";
*** 293,298 **** static void dump_cursor_direction(PLpgSQL_stmt_fetch *stmt);
--- 295,301 ----
  static void dump_close(PLpgSQL_stmt_close *stmt);
  static void dump_perform(PLpgSQL_stmt_perform *stmt);
  static void dump_expr(PLpgSQL_expr *expr);
+ static void dump_foreach_a(PLpgSQL_stmt_foreach_a *stmt);
  static void
*** 376,381 **** dump_stmt(PLpgSQL_stmt *stmt)
--- 379,387 ----
  			dump_perform((PLpgSQL_stmt_perform *) stmt);
+ 			dump_foreach_a((PLpgSQL_stmt_foreach_a *) stmt);
+ 			break;
  			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized cmd_type: %d", stmt->cmd_type);
*** 596,601 **** dump_forc(PLpgSQL_stmt_forc *stmt)
--- 602,625 ----
  static void
+ dump_foreach_a(PLpgSQL_stmt_foreach_a *stmt)
+ {
+ 	dump_ind();
+ 	printf("FOREACHA %s", (stmt->rec != NULL) ? stmt->rec->refname :
+ 						    (stmt->row != NULL) ? stmt->row->refname : stmt->var->refname);
+ 	if (stmt->slice != 0)
+ 		printf("SLICE %d ", stmt->slice);
+ 	printf("IN ");
+ 	dump_expr(stmt->expr);
+ 	printf("\n");
+ 	dump_stmts(stmt->body);
+ 	dump_ind();
+ 	printf("    ENDOFOREACHA");
+ }
+ static void
  dump_open(PLpgSQL_stmt_open *stmt)
*** a/src/pl/plpgsql/src/pl_scanner.c
--- b/src/pl/plpgsql/src/pl_scanner.c
*** 77,82 **** static const ScanKeyword reserved_keywords[] = {
--- 77,83 ----
*** 105,110 **** static const int num_reserved_keywords = lengthof(reserved_keywords);
--- 106,112 ----
  static const ScanKeyword unreserved_keywords[] = {
*** 133,138 **** static const ScanKeyword unreserved_keywords[] = {
--- 135,141 ----
*** a/src/pl/plpgsql/src/plpgsql.h
--- b/src/pl/plpgsql/src/plpgsql.h
*** 87,92 **** enum PLpgSQL_stmt_types
--- 87,93 ----
*** 427,432 **** typedef struct
--- 428,447 ----
  typedef struct
+ {								/* FOREACH item in array loop */
+ 	int			cmd_type;
+ 	int			lineno;
+ 	char	   *label;
+ 	PLpgSQL_var *var;
+ 	PLpgSQL_rec *rec;
+ 	PLpgSQL_row *row;
+ 	PLpgSQL_expr	*expr;
+ 	int	   slice;
+ 	List	   *body;			/* List of statements */
+ } PLpgSQL_stmt_foreach_a;
+ typedef struct
  {								/* FOR statement with integer loopvar	*/
  	int			cmd_type;
  	int			lineno;
*** a/src/test/regress/expected/plpgsql.out
--- b/src/test/regress/expected/plpgsql.out
*** 4240,4242 **** select unreserved_test();
--- 4240,4450 ----
  (1 row)
  drop function unreserved_test();
+ -- Checking a FOREACH statement
+ -- should fail
+ create function foreach_test(anyarray)
+ returns void as $$
+ declare x int;
+ begin
+   foreach x in $1
+   loop
+     raise notice '%', x;
+   end loop;
+   end;
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ ERROR:  syntax error at or near "$1"
+ LINE 5:   foreach x in $1
+                        ^
+ create function foreach_test(anyarray)
+ returns void as $$
+ declare x int;
+ begin
+   foreach x in array $1
+   loop
+     raise notice '%', x;
+   end loop;
+   end;
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[1,2,3,4]);
+ NOTICE:  1
+ NOTICE:  2
+ NOTICE:  3
+ NOTICE:  4
+  foreach_test 
+ --------------
+ (1 row)
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[[1,2],[3,4]]);
+ NOTICE:  1
+ NOTICE:  2
+ NOTICE:  3
+ NOTICE:  4
+  foreach_test 
+ --------------
+ (1 row)
+ create or replace function foreach_test(anyarray)
+ returns void as $$
+ declare x int;
+ begin
+   foreach x slice 1 in array $1
+   loop
+     raise notice '%', x;
+   end loop;
+   end;
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ -- should fail
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[1,2,3,4]);
+ ERROR:  target variable "x" for sliced array should be an array type
+ HINT:  Value assigned will be of an array type.
+ CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "foreach_test" line 4 at FOREACH over array
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[[1,2],[3,4]]);
+ ERROR:  target variable "x" for sliced array should be an array type
+ HINT:  Value assigned will be of an array type.
+ CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "foreach_test" line 4 at FOREACH over array
+ create or replace function foreach_test(anyarray)
+ returns void as $$
+ declare x int[];
+ begin
+   foreach x slice 1 in array $1
+   loop
+     raise notice '%', x;
+   end loop;
+   end;
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[1,2,3,4]);
+ NOTICE:  {1,2,3,4}
+  foreach_test 
+ --------------
+ (1 row)
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[[1,2],[3,4]]);
+ NOTICE:  {1,2}
+ NOTICE:  {3,4}
+  foreach_test 
+ --------------
+ (1 row)
+ -- higher level of slicing
+ create or replace function foreach_test(anyarray)
+ returns void as $$
+ declare x int[];
+ begin
+   foreach x slice 2 in array $1
+   loop
+     raise notice '%', x;
+   end loop;
+   end;
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ -- should fail
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[1,2,3,4]);
+ ERROR:  slice dimension requested (2) is higher than the number of array dimensions (1)
+ CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "foreach_test" line 4 at FOREACH over array
+ -- ok
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[[1,2],[3,4]]);
+ NOTICE:  {{1,2},{3,4}}
+  foreach_test 
+ --------------
+ (1 row)
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[[[1,2]],[[3,4]]]);
+ NOTICE:  {{1,2}}
+ NOTICE:  {{3,4}}
+  foreach_test 
+ --------------
+ (1 row)
+ create type xy_tuple AS (x int, y int);
+ -- iteration over array of records
+ create or replace function foreach_test(anyarray)
+ returns void as $$
+ declare r record;
+ begin
+   foreach r in array $1
+   loop
+     raise notice '%', r;
+   end loop;
+   end;
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[(10,20),(40,69),(35,78)]::xy_tuple[]);
+ NOTICE:  (10,20)
+ NOTICE:  (40,69)
+ NOTICE:  (35,78)
+  foreach_test 
+ --------------
+ (1 row)
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[[(10,20),(40,69)],[(35,78),(88,76)]]::xy_tuple[]);
+ NOTICE:  (10,20)
+ NOTICE:  (40,69)
+ NOTICE:  (35,78)
+ NOTICE:  (88,76)
+  foreach_test 
+ --------------
+ (1 row)
+ create or replace function foreach_test(anyarray)
+ returns void as $$
+ declare x int; y int;
+ begin
+   foreach x, y in array $1
+   loop
+     raise notice 'x = %, y = %', x, y;
+   end loop;
+   end;
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[(10,20),(40,69),(35,78)]::xy_tuple[]);
+ NOTICE:  x = 10, y = 20
+ NOTICE:  x = 40, y = 69
+ NOTICE:  x = 35, y = 78
+  foreach_test 
+ --------------
+ (1 row)
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[[(10,20),(40,69)],[(35,78),(88,76)]]::xy_tuple[]);
+ NOTICE:  x = 10, y = 20
+ NOTICE:  x = 40, y = 69
+ NOTICE:  x = 35, y = 78
+ NOTICE:  x = 88, y = 76
+  foreach_test 
+ --------------
+ (1 row)
+ -- slicing over array of composite types
+ create or replace function foreach_test(anyarray)
+ returns void as $$
+ declare x xy_tuple[];
+ begin
+   foreach x slice 1 in array $1
+   loop
+     raise notice '%', x;
+   end loop;
+   end;
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[(10,20),(40,69),(35,78)]::xy_tuple[]);
+ NOTICE:  {"(10,20)","(40,69)","(35,78)"}
+  foreach_test 
+ --------------
+ (1 row)
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[[(10,20),(40,69)],[(35,78),(88,76)]]::xy_tuple[]);
+ NOTICE:  {"(10,20)","(40,69)"}
+ NOTICE:  {"(35,78)","(88,76)"}
+  foreach_test 
+ --------------
+ (1 row)
+ drop function foreach_test(anyarray);
+ drop type xy_tuple;
*** a/src/test/regress/sql/plpgsql.sql
--- b/src/test/regress/sql/plpgsql.sql
*** 3375,3377 **** $$ language plpgsql;
--- 3375,3500 ----
  select unreserved_test();
  drop function unreserved_test();
+ -- Checking a FOREACH statement
+ -- should fail
+ create function foreach_test(anyarray)
+ returns void as $$
+ declare x int;
+ begin
+   foreach x in $1
+   loop
+     raise notice '%', x;
+   end loop;
+   end;
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ create function foreach_test(anyarray)
+ returns void as $$
+ declare x int;
+ begin
+   foreach x in array $1
+   loop
+     raise notice '%', x;
+   end loop;
+   end;
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[1,2,3,4]);
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[[1,2],[3,4]]);
+ create or replace function foreach_test(anyarray)
+ returns void as $$
+ declare x int;
+ begin
+   foreach x slice 1 in array $1
+   loop
+     raise notice '%', x;
+   end loop;
+   end;
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ -- should fail
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[1,2,3,4]);
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[[1,2],[3,4]]);
+ create or replace function foreach_test(anyarray)
+ returns void as $$
+ declare x int[];
+ begin
+   foreach x slice 1 in array $1
+   loop
+     raise notice '%', x;
+   end loop;
+   end;
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[1,2,3,4]);
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[[1,2],[3,4]]);
+ -- higher level of slicing
+ create or replace function foreach_test(anyarray)
+ returns void as $$
+ declare x int[];
+ begin
+   foreach x slice 2 in array $1
+   loop
+     raise notice '%', x;
+   end loop;
+   end;
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ -- should fail
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[1,2,3,4]);
+ -- ok
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[[1,2],[3,4]]);
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[[[1,2]],[[3,4]]]);
+ create type xy_tuple AS (x int, y int);
+ -- iteration over array of records
+ create or replace function foreach_test(anyarray)
+ returns void as $$
+ declare r record;
+ begin
+   foreach r in array $1
+   loop
+     raise notice '%', r;
+   end loop;
+   end;
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[(10,20),(40,69),(35,78)]::xy_tuple[]);
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[[(10,20),(40,69)],[(35,78),(88,76)]]::xy_tuple[]);
+ create or replace function foreach_test(anyarray)
+ returns void as $$
+ declare x int; y int;
+ begin
+   foreach x, y in array $1
+   loop
+     raise notice 'x = %, y = %', x, y;
+   end loop;
+   end;
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[(10,20),(40,69),(35,78)]::xy_tuple[]);
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[[(10,20),(40,69)],[(35,78),(88,76)]]::xy_tuple[]);
+ -- slicing over array of composite types
+ create or replace function foreach_test(anyarray)
+ returns void as $$
+ declare x xy_tuple[];
+ begin
+   foreach x slice 1 in array $1
+   loop
+     raise notice '%', x;
+   end loop;
+   end;
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[(10,20),(40,69),(35,78)]::xy_tuple[]);
+ select foreach_test(ARRAY[[(10,20),(40,69)],[(35,78),(88,76)]]::xy_tuple[]);
+ drop function foreach_test(anyarray);
+ drop type xy_tuple;

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