> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Lane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 18 May 2002 00:01
> To: Dave Page
> Subject: Re: More schema queries 
> There was already some discussion about making a variant version of
> current_schemas() that would tell you the Whole Truth, 
> including the implicitly searched schemas.  Seems like we'd 
> better do that; otherwise we'll find people hardwiring 
> knowledge of these implicit search rules into their apps, 
> which is probably a bad idea.
> Anyone have a preference about what to call it?  I could see 
> making a version of current_schemas() that takes a boolean 
> parameter, or we could choose another function name for the 
> implicit-schemas-too version.

Use of a parameter seems fine to me. Save having Yet Another Function
:-) and trying to figure out a sensible name for it!

> >> Curious.  I have not noticed much of any change in postmaster
> >> startup time on Unix.  Can you run a profile or something to 
> >> see where the time is going?
> > Probably, but I'd need hand-holding as I don't have a clue 
> how to do 
> > that.
> I'm not sure how to do it on Cygwin, either.  On Unix you'd 
> build a profilable backend executable using
>       cd pgsql/src/backend
>       gmake clean
>       gmake PROFILE="-pg" all
> install same, run it, and then use gprof on the gmon.out file 
> dumped at postmaster termination.  Dunno if it has to be done 
> differently on Cygwin.

Well, I have gcc & gprof so I assume it'll be pretty much the same. I'll
have a play tonight.

Thanks Tom,


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