On 02/23/2011 10:40 AM, Kenneth Marshall wrote:
Can someone please point me in the direction of an established client
library/driver where all corner cases are covered, or at least enough
of them to produce a net gain in usefulness? There may well be
additional subtleties that have not occurred to me.
yes: libpqtypes. it manages everything in binary. i've been thinking
for a while that libpqtypes could be wrapped with variadic templates
or other c++ trickery. Because libpqtypes does everything in binary,
it completely sidesteps all the escaping nastiness.
Avoiding the escaping by using binary parameter transmission is
the best method. Shameless plug: libpqtypes is great!
I hope that it can be eventually included in the core distribution.
It is not uncommon to get "It's an add-on package???" and avoidance
of pieces outside of the standard dist regardless of its value.
Binary mode had serious limitations, such as portability.
We do need some support in libpq for constructing and deconstructing
arrays (and probably for composites too, although that will be harder, I
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