On 03/02/2011 12:41 PM, Tom Lane wrote: > Looks like the process trying to do the ALTER has already got some > lower-level lock on the table. It evidently hasn't got > AccessExclusiveLock, but nonetheless has something strong enough to > block an INSERT, such as ShareLock.
Hmmm, is it possible that the following might do that, whereas a simple ALTER TABLE would not? 8<----------------------------------- BEGIN; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION change_column_type ( tablename text, columnname text, newtype text ) RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE newtypeid oid; tableoid oid; curtypeid oid; BEGIN SELECT INTO newtypeid oid FROM pg_type WHERE oid = newtype::regtype::oid; SELECT INTO tableoid oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = tablename; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN 'TABLE NOT FOUND'; END IF; SELECT INTO curtypeid atttypid FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = tableoid AND attname::text = columnname; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN 'COLUMN NOT FOUND'; END IF; IF curtypeid != newtypeid THEN EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || tablename || ' ALTER COLUMN ' || columnname || ' SET DATA TYPE ' || newtype; RETURN 'CHANGE SUCCESSFUL'; ELSE RETURN 'CHANGE SKIPPED'; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN RETURN 'INVALID TARGET TYPE'; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; SELECT change_column_type('attribute_summary', 'sequence_number', 'numeric'); COMMIT; 8<----------------------------------- This text is in a file being run from a shell script with something like: psql dbname < script.sql The concurrent INSERTs are being done by the main application code (running on Tomcat). Joe -- Joe Conway credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
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