db1=# create table t1 (f1 text collate "aa_DJ.utf8",
  f2 text collate "an_ES.utf8" );
db1=# select f1 < f2 from t1;
ERROR:  collation mismatch between implicit collations "aa_DJ.utf8" and 
LINE 1: select f1 < f2 from t1;
HINT:  You can override the collation by applying the COLLATE clause to one or 
both expressions.
db1=# select f1 || f2 from t1;
ERROR:  collation mismatch between implicit collations "aa_DJ.utf8" and 
LINE 1: select f1 || f2 from t1;
HINT:  You can override the collation by applying the COLLATE clause to one or 
both expressions.

The first of these errors is OK, but surely the second is not, because ||
doesn't give a fig about collations.  I think instead of this:

        /* XXX: If we knew which functions required collation information,
         * we could selectively set the last argument to true here. */
        funccollid = select_common_collation(pstate, fargs, false);

we need:

         * If we knew which functions required collation information,
         * we could selectively set the last argument to false here,
         * allowing the error to be reported at parse time not runtime.
        funccollid = select_common_collation(pstate, fargs, true);

Now the downside of that is that a runtime failure won't give you an
parse error pointer to indicate which function is having trouble ...
but having an error pointer for an error that shouldn't be thrown in
the first place is small consolation.

                        regards, tom lane

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