On 18 March 2011 01:57, hom <obsidian...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  I try to known how a database is implemented

This objective is so vast and so vague that it's difficult to give
meaningful help.

I'd emphasise Kevin Grittner's very worthwhile advice.  Try to break
your question down into smaller, more specific ones.  With a question
like "how does postgres work" you're likely to flounder.  But with a
more targeted question, e.g., "what format does postgres use to save
data to disk" or "how does postgres implement ORDER BY", you can make
easier progress, and perhaps you could get more useful pointers from
the people on this list.

Have you read through the "Overview of System Internals" chapter in
the documentation [1]?  Perhaps it will help you identify the areas
you wish to explore further, and form more specific questions.

[1] http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/overview.html


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