How does this relate to the existing pqc project ( Seems the goals are fairly similar, and both
are based off pgpool?

 On Apr 6, 2011 2:10 AM, "Masanori Yamazaki" <> wrote:
> Hello
> My name is Masanori Yamazaki. I am sending my proposal about
> Google Summer Of Code2011. It would be nice if you could give
> me your opinion.
> ・title
> Caching query results in pgpool-II
> ・Synopsis
> Pgpool-II has query caching functionality using storage provided by
> dedicated PostgreSQL ("system database"). This has several drawbacks
> however. 1)it is slow because it needs to access disk storage 2)it
> does not invalidate the cache automatically.
> This proposal tries to solve these problems.
> - To speed up the cache access, it will be placed on memory, rather
> than database. The memory will be put on shared memory or external
> memory services such as memcached so that the cache can be shared by
> multiple sessions. Old cache entries will be deleted by LRU manner.
> - The cache will be invalidated automatically upon the timing when the
> relevant tables are updated. Note that this is not always possible
> because the query result might come from multiple tables, views or
> even functions. In this case the cache will be invalidated by
> timeout(or they are not cached at all).
> - Fine tuning knobs need to be invented to control the cache behavior
> though they are not clear at this moment.
> ・Benefits to the PostgreSQL Community:
> Query caching will effectively enhance the performance of PostgreSQL
> and this project will contribute to increase the number of users of
> PostgreSQL, who need more high performance database systems.
> Note that implementing query cache in pgpool-II will bring merits not
> only to the latest version of PostgreSQL but to the previous releases
> of PostgreSQL.
> ・Project Schedule
> -April
> preparation
> -May 1 - May 22
> write a specification
> -May 23 - June 19
> coding
> -June 20 - July 22
> test
> -July 23 - August 12
> complete of coding and test, commit
> ・Personal Data and Biographical Information
> Name : Masanori Yamazaki
> Born : 23.1.1981
> School :Currently I learn contemporary philosophy, culture and literature
> at Waseda University in Japan.
> Coding :
> 1.About five years job as web application programer(PHP, Java).
> 2.I experienced projects used framework such as Symfony, Zend Framework,
> CakePHP, and Struts.
> 3.I am interested in OSS and like coding.
> Regards

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