If you have the timezone configured to a non-default value in
postgresql.conf, and you comment it out and reload, it says:

LOG:  parameter "TimeZone" removed from configuration file, reset to default

...but at least when I tested it, it didn't actually appear to reset
it to the default.

assign_timezone() has this to say:

             * UNKNOWN is the value shown as the "default" for TimeZone in
             * guc.c.  We interpret it as being a complete no-op; we don't
             * change the timezone setting.  Note that if there is a known
             * timezone setting, we will return that name rather than UNKNOWN
             * as the canonical spelling.
             * During GUC initialization, since the timezone library isn't set
             * up yet, pg_get_timezone_name will return NULL and we will leave
             * the setting as UNKNOWN.  If this isn't overridden from the
             * config file then pg_timezone_initialize() will eventually
             * select a default value from the environment.

...but that seems a few bricks short of a load, because it doesn't
handle this case properly.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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