As you people think and may be possible that complete implementation of
Eager MVs cannot be completed in summer. So maybe i can pick up the work
left to be done in snapshot MVs. I have cloned the repository of pavel baros
from and i will be looking to find
whats left out.

Could anybody help me in figuring out what is left to be done in snapshot
MVs implementation?

There are a number of hard problems in getting a working implementation of
> materialized views that all get ignored by all of the student proposals we
> get, and what you're talking about doesn't address any of them.

As soon as i know the shortcomings of snapshot MVs implementation and once
go through the code committed during GSoC, I will revert back with the
issues and how would i be tackling them.

You really should read all of the messages in the following threads:
> And the following summaries:
> And then say how what you're suggesting fits into the issues raised last
> summer.  The theory and way to implement eager MVs are interesting
> problems.  But working on them won't lead toward code that can be committed
> to PostgreSQL this year.

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