
* bricklen ( wrote:
> I've been noticing in my logs for the past few days the message you
> note in the wiki. It seems to occur during a vacuum around 7:30am
> every day. I will be running the suggested script shortly, but can
> anyone tell me in how bad of shape my db is in? This is our production
> db with two hot standby's running off it.

Unfortunately, I don't think the script that Bruce posted will help if
the clog files have been removed (which appears to be the case here).
Do you have a backup which includes older files which existed under the
'pg_clog' directory under your database's root?  Hopefully you do and
can restore those and restart the database.  If you restore and then
restart then Bruce's script could be run and hopefully would clear out
these errors.

Bruce, please correct me if I got any part of this wrong.



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