On 4/18/11 10:57 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
> So first of all, no it's not fixable with sed.  But secondly, writing
> "*please*" here seems to evince a level of frustration which is
> entirely out of proportion to the really rather mild comments which
> preceded it.  What made you write it that way?

I'll admit that the conversation I'd had at the Drizzle BOF the previous
night strongly influenced me.

> to this continual commentary that we
> are not nice enough to people, especially newcomers.  Well, OK, maybe
> we're not.  But you know what?  We're trying really hard, and getting
> accused of being nasty when we actually weren't is kind of a tough
> pill to swallow ... But
> in this case I think you were too quick off the trigger

Well, my apologies to you.  You are probably correct.

In any case, I think the answer to this is constructive; better
documentation and tools to let submitters get their code into good shape
in the first place so that we don't have discussions about formatting.
That way we waste *neither* the reviewers' nor the submitters' time.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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