On 04/25/2011 12:40 PM, Robert Haas wrote:

At the risk of getting a bit cranky, you haven't participated in a
material way in any CommitFest we've had in well over a year.  AFAICS,
the first, last, and only time you are listed in the CommitFest
application is as co-reviewer of a patch in July 2009, which means
that the last time you really had a major roll in this process was
during the 8.4 cycle.  So I'm really rather suspicious that you know
what's wrong with the process and how to fix it better than the people
who are involved currently.  I think we need here is more input from
the people who are regularly submitting and reviewing patches, and
those who have tried recently but been turned off by some aspect of
the process.

Although a valid point, let's remember that conversely it is very easy for those who are closest to the process to lose themselves within that process. It never hurts to consider an objective opinion.


Joshua D. Drake


Command Prompt, Inc. - http://www.commandprompt.com/
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