On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 10:29 PM, Dmitry Fefelov <fo...@ac-sw.com> wrote:
> With Postgres 8.4 query like
>  FROM core.tag_links ctl
>  WHERE (ctl.tag_id = ANY (
>      SELECT array_agg(ct.id)
>        FROM core.tags ct
>        WHERE (LOWER(ct.tag) LIKE LOWER(('search tag')::text || '%') ESCAPE
>            E'\\')
>    ));

well, if you *had* to use any you could rewrite that as:
 FROM core.tag_links ctl
 WHERE (ctl.tag_id = ANY ( array (
     SELECT ct.id
       FROM core.tags ct
       WHERE (LOWER(ct.tag) LIKE LOWER(('search tag')::text || '%') ESCAPE

but you're far better off still using 'where in/'where exists' for
this query.   You could also expand an array with 'unnest' and use
'where in'.

according to the documentation, 'any' only takes array
expressions...this feels really awkward but i'm not sure if it's a
bug.  the semantics of 'any' suck and I prefer not to use it :(.
this has come up a bunch of times in the archives (unfortunately,
searching for 'any' isn't pleasant) and I think there's an explanation
behind the current behavior.  Couldn't find it though, so I'm not


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