That's some great starting advice there. I have a couple of final exams in
the next 36 hours. Will get to work almost immediately after that.
I will definitely take small steps before going for some of the tougher
tasks. I would of-course like this conversation to go on, so I can see a
more comprehensive TODO list.
One of my first tasks on GSoC is to make sure I create a good project
specification document. So there can be definite expectations and targets.
This conversation helps me do that!

On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 9:50 AM, Greg Smith <> wrote:

> Shiv wrote:
>>  On the program I hope to learn as much about professional software
>> engineering principles as PostgreSQL. My project is aimed towards extending
>> and hopefully improving upon pgtune. If any of you have some ideas or
>> thoughts to share. I am all ears!!
> Well, first step on the software engineering side is to get a copy of the
> code in a form you can modify.  I'd recommend grabbing it from
> ; while there is a copy of the program
> on, it's easier to work with the one on github instead.
>  I can push updates over to the copy on easily enough, and
> that way you don't have to worry about getting an account on that server.
> There's a long list of suggested improvements to make at
> Where I would recommend getting started is doing some of the small items on
> there, some of which I have already put comments into the code about but
> just not finished yet.  Some examples:
> -Validate against min/max
> -Show original value in output
> -Limit shared memory use on Windows (see notes on shared_buffers at
> for more
> information)
> -Look for postgresql.conf file using PGDATA environment variable
> -Look for settings files based on path of the pgtune executable
> -Save a settings reference files for newer versions of PostgreSQL (right
> now I only target 8.4) and allow passing in the version you're configuring.
> A common mistake made by GSOC students is to dive right in to trying to
> make big changes.  You'll be more successful if you get practice at things
> like preparing and sharing patches on smaller changes first.
> At the next level, there are a few larger features that I would consider
> valuable that are not really addressed by the program yet:
> -Estimate how much shared memory is used by the combination of settings.
>  See Table 17-2 at
> ; those
> numbers aren't perfect, and improving that table is its own useful project.
>  But it gives an idea how they fit together.  I have some notes at the end
> of the TODO file on how I think the information needed to produce this needs
> to be passed around the inside of pgtune.
> -Use that estimate to produce a sysctl.conf file for one platform; Linux is
> the easiest one to start with.  I've attached a prototype showing how to do
> that, written in bash.
> -Write a Python-TK or web-based front-end for the program.
> Now that I know someone is going to work on this program again, I'll see
> what I can do to clean some parts of it up.  There are a couple of things
> it's easier for me to just fix rather than to describe, like the way I
> really want to change how it adds comments to the settings it changes.
> --
> Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant US   Baltimore, MD
> PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support
> #!/bin/bash
> # Output lines suitable for sysctl configuration based
> # on total amount of RAM on the system.  The output
> # will allow up to 50% of physical memory to be allocated
> # into shared memory.
> # On Linux, you can use it as follows (as root):
> #
> # ./shmsetup >> /etc/sysctl.conf
> # sysctl -p
> # Early FreeBSD versions do not support the sysconf interface
> # used here.  The exact version where this works hasn't
> # been confirmed yet.
> page_size=`getconf PAGE_SIZE`
> phys_pages=`getconf _PHYS_PAGES`
> if [ -z "$page_size" ]; then
>  echo Error:  cannot determine page size
>  exit 1
> fi
> if [ -z "$phys_pages" ]; then
>  echo Error:  cannot determine number of memory pages
>  exit 2
> fi
> shmall=`expr $phys_pages / 2`
> shmmax=`expr $shmall \* $page_size`
> echo \# Maximum shared segment size in bytes
> echo kernel.shmmax = $shmmax
> echo \# Maximum number of shared memory segments in pages
> echo kernel.shmall = $shmall

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