On Fri, 7 Jun 2002 17:43:03 -0600
"Scott Shattuck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On the process side, is there an IRC or other chat-based system in place for
> the PG team to coordinate their efforts?

There's #postgresql on efnet and irc.openprojects.net, but it's mostly used
for user support.

> If we were to contribute to replication/backup/recovery solutions who would
> we coordinate that effort with?

There are a number of replication efforts, each attempting to provide
various levels of functionality. The PGReplication project
(http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/pgreplication/projdisplay.php) is one
of the more ambitious ones; others include PGReplicator, DBMirror,
rserv/erserv, and probably more that I'm not aware of.

I can't speak to the backup/recovery efforts -- since there seems
to be less activity in this area, perhaps this would be an appropriate
place for Technical Pursuit to focus on?

> What is the planned status of Java support in the engine? Is there anyone
> working on JVM integration at this stage and if not, how could we best
> integrate with the team to take on this task?

http://pljava.sourceforge.net/ is the only project that I'm aware of.

> For several scenarios we see value in having the postmaster respond to
> http(s) protocols and relay to internal functions for processing of web
> traffic.

Perhaps you could elaborate on this? It sounds like bloatware, but maybe
I'm just cynical.

> Finally, we're starting to do a lot of work in pl/pgperl(u) and are
> wondering whether that's an area we can again contribute in.

If you mean plperl, then I don't see why not ; if you're talking about
a new procedural language based upon some unholy union of pl/pgsql and
perl, I'd be skeptical :-)




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